
Had emergency surgery and need some advice.?

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Yesterday I had emergency surgery. There was an infection inside my uterus and they had to go in and clean it all out. Well while at the hospital I had a million needles in my arms including those huge IVs. I also had the breathing tube down my throat during surgery.

I've never had surgery before today. I'm 33. I was so afraid. Well today I am so weak and my arms hurt and neck hurts more than the place they operated. It's hard to chew food. Is there a way to relieve the arm pain from being pricked so many times and my neck hurts so bad. Any ideas?

I don't want to take the oxycodone if I don't have to. Is it normal to feel so sore?




  1. If you had laproscopic surgery the pain you're feeling is a build up of air inside your body.  It will eventually fad away.  I would encourage you to take Tylenol or Motrin for the pain...whatever you tolerate the best.  It will really help the achy feeling.  I'm sure you're also stressed and tense from the emergency surgery so even if you do take a dose or two of the oxycodone you won't get addicted, and you'll rest well.

  2. Sorry to read all this. Don't be scared any more. Its over!

    Well, lets just say its a good thing that your operation doesn't hurt as bad as your throat does. Trust me, I'm not joking or making fun. Your throat is hurting because they must have put that tube down your throat that must've caused the friction and subsequent pain. Frankly speaking, the not-so-lucky ones have the operation and incision pain so bad, they forget everything else. You are in a better situation that you can feel this pain.

    OK, now that you feel better and find yourself lucky (I certainly hope you do), get yourself something warm and soft to eat. Keep the food down your throat semi-solid, warm and completely free of chilly stuff. Make sure the temperature is warm, not hot! The poor throat is injured from inside and you need to soothe and comfort it.

    For the arms, well, the bruises must hurt pretty bad. Treat them as you would treat any bruise. Ice packs, gentle massage, and they'll go in a few days -before you know it!

    Take care!

  3. Hello Sugar, sorry to hear about your ordel, you will feel better soon. For your arms use heat like a heating pad, or a moist towel warmed in the microwave, heed the warmed part. This will also help your neck. you certainly don't need to add a burn on top of everything else. Good Luck annmarie

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