
Had it been Obama's 17 year old daughter pregnant, would the Republicans crucify him?

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Okay so many Republicans are being sympathetic towards Sarah Palin's 17 year old pregnant daughter, but switch it around. If Obama had a 17 year old daughter who was pregnant, wouldn't the Republicans be chopping his head off?




  1. They would probably be just as vicious as the Democrats are being.  A word of caution, though....The continued insinuations of incest and all that could become very ugly, very quickly.  Obama does not need a seventeen year old pregnant daughter for persons enraged by this gossip to stir up something really sick to say about him and his beautiful little daughters.

    I wish people would just THINK once in a while.  In a duel, you get one shot.  If you miss (like this story about Gov. Palin's son being her grandson) then you're very likely dead.

  2. Nope, they wouldn't need it as an issue as much as the dems seem to.

    Barry has enough in his own closet to hammer him with so why would they have to resort to calling children names to make a political point ?

  3. In a split second.

    I think Obama's statement putting the subject off limits was a classy thing to do.

  4. yes it would be the other way around. Republicans would be ridiculing the Obama's just as the Dems are rripping the Palin's. It's called partisanism.  

  5. Imagen what Rush limbaugh would be saying  

  6. Rush and his ilk, many Republicans would be tearing into him like a free barbeque.  And if any Democrats said it's a private matter for the girl, they'd say the candidates moral fitness, his family values, are reflected in the pregnant daughter.  And tear in again.

  7. to answer your question, yes the republicans would be jumping down the dems throats immediately. now, im gunna proceed to go off on a random tangent.

    to the person who said obamas mom was 17, she was actually 18 according to wiki. i know its wiki, but just sayin.

    yes obama came out okay. but remember, his parents marriage ended in divorce (as most marriages do when the couple is so young) also, his parents sacrificed quite a bit to take care of him. financially speaking it is incredibly difficult to take care of a child w/ out help, go to college, work a part time job, and sometimes run a household all at the same time. some people get lucky and can get help from their family like bristol palin. others, not so much. also times have changed my dear. college is ridiculously expensive, and the cost of living absolutely insane. not all of our parents can pay for college for us. and in the end obamas mom ended up "more worried about paying her medical bills than getting well." sound nice to you?

    no i dont really know who i was talking to. yes i was bored and just felt like venting. don't worry, i go back to college tomorrow.  

  8. Oh course they would crucify the Obamas. They would claim that, if she had followed conservative principles and followed abstinence-only, she would not be pregnant.  

  9. Most likely they would be quick to point out how he doesn't have strong family values. How can he lead the nation, when he can't even maintain order in his own home. But I would also hope that McCain would take the same position as Obama that this is a private family matter and is off limits as political fodder.

    Generally speaking, I agree with Obama's position that Palin's daughter is off limits. But we do need answers as to how she justifies her position on several key issues. Specifically, she opposes s*x education, but supports abstinence education. Obviously this message did not work in her own home, so how can it be justified on a national level.

    The Republicans are going to embrace the pro-life aspect of the daughter opting to keep the child and marry the father. And I have no problem with that. But there are issued involved before you ever get to any discussion about abortion. The real question is how the Republicans are going to address those issues.

  10. After her abortion, no one would know.

  11. No one would know about it because he wouldnt want his daughter "punished" with a child (his words) and would have her get an abortion so no one would find out.

  12. No, she would have aborted.

    That is my point.

    You can't trust pro-choice to do the right thing.

  13. obama's not CLAIMING to be running on STRONG FAMILY VALUES

    obaden 08

  14. uhhhhhh....yeah.  They crucified him over a pin...this is a little bit bigger than that.

    Sarah Palin is a selfish women who has put her own ambitions above her daughters privacy.

    Sarah knew Bristol was pregnant before she accepted the VP nomination. She was well aware that it would eventually have to come out. So she was aware of the fact that her daughters name would get blasted all over the nation on every news channel making the nation aware that this 17 year old is pregnant. For a 17 year old girl to be pregnant, even though it happens all the time, it is a very traumatic experience. It would have been traumatic when her little town and high school she goes to finds out that she is pregnant. But now she gets to see her name and picture on every news channel and every website. And all of this because her mother saw a chance to get some national recognition. How compassionate is that? She put her own ambition before the respect of privacy of her daughter.

  15. Sucks for Bristol.  She's in the limelight for an underaged pregnancy, and she has a silly name to boot.  Poor girl.

  16. yes they would

    seriously people need to understand that its totally NOT okay what Palin's retarded daughter did.  

  17. Of course... They are just hipocrites following their parent's beliefs - GOP is a dying party in my opinion.

    Look at the world I think this whole morals c**p is just BS. When something like exists, morality and "family values" are just not the #1 issue anymore.  

  18. Since Obama's MOTHER was only 17 years old and not married when Obama was concieved, where is your outrage about Obama? Same identical story

  19. McCain has been a lot more gracious to the Obama camp than vice versa.

  20. Oh you know all the right-wingers would be on here making racist statements like "black people do black things" but since Palin did it lets give her a white pass.

    I seen a person making a excuse for her daughter saying "its just part of growing up." Well, I hope I never have to live in a place that considers teenage pregnancy "just part of growning up." I love how people minimize things when white people are the offender.

  21. obviously yes. the whole american politics is filled with hypocrisy.  

  22. Absolutely not.  I taught school and I know what happens to young people when "mean girls" and "mean boys" attack them.  I am surprised that there are adults in this world that act like they are still playing in the halls of gossip in high school.

    There is no hypocrisy, just downright mean people, saying downright mean things that can possibly damage youth.  Let's stick with the issues, as the category is Elections and your post has nothing to do with Elections, just gossip.  This is a family matter and not any of our family's.  There by the grace of God go you or I or anyone.  Frankly, it is their business, not yours or mine.

    Obama has two lovely daughters.  He has already said that he would not punish them with a baby.  As far as I am concerned, that should be his choice, his wife's choice and their child's choice, not America's choice.

    This is not the same as Obama's mother's story, especially as Obama had nothing to do with his mom becoming pregnant and it has nothing to do with this election.

    Bill Clinton was married, having affairs in the Oval Office on government property, while Hillary was asleep upstairs.  Bill Clinton was a grown up and a married man.  Bristol is still under 18 years old and is not a married woman having an affair.  They are in no way the same story.  This analogy does not compute.

  23. Haha, yea right.  You know no one would ever know.  Obama has even admitted if his daughter got pregnant he would want her to have an abortion.

  24. You mean, if Biden had a seventeen year old pregnant daughter? Last time I checked, Palin wasn't running for president.

  25. Yes, you are sooo right.

    You'd never hear the end of it.

  26. You better believe it!

  27. Without a doubt. And there would be huge embellishments to the story. Kind of sickening how they would respond when you think about it.

  28. yes, they would be the first to start an attack campaign. I can't wait to see what Sean Hannity has to say about this whole issue. I am sure he is going to come out acting like its all okay now because its a Republican issue. Now they all say this is a private family issue.

  29. of course they would. i keep hearing from republicans how its none of our business about palins daughter but i disagree. when bill clinton had his little scandal the republicans skewered him but that was ok even though it was and should have been a personal thing between him and his wife but noooo  the republicans had to drag it out and turn it into a 3 ring circus. the american people have a funny way of thinking what is and what is not there business and if palin didnt want her daughter held up to the ridicule that is bound to come ( who doesnt see a few saturday night live skits on this) then she should have put her child first and told mccain ty but no ty   but she thought of her career first and now her and her family ( especially her daughter) will pay the price for it    think it also kind of says alot about her family values when she puts her career ahead of her daughter

  30. You know, it is a real shame that this is even an issue at all. That young lady being pregnant has no bearing on her mother's ability to act as the vice President of the USA. If Obama's daughter has gotten pregnant I as a Republican certainly would not have thought much about it and it certainly wouldn't have had anything to do with my like or dislike for him as a Presidential candidate

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