
Had my baby 8 weeks ago... please help?

by  |  earlier

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I had my third son three weeks ago. Everything went great. I didn't even have to push lol. I didn't have any tears or anything at all. I felt great after I had him. Nothing bothered me, my hsuband and I started having intercorse 2 weeks after I had him.

Well now its been 8 weeks and for the past week I have been spotting. I am breastfeeding. But the only times I have been spotting is the day after w ehad intercorse. Should I call my doctor and see if everything is alright? Or is this normal?




  1. yea, I think if we knew if it was 3 or 8 weeks ago, that might help...

  2. I'm confused.  First you say your baby was born 3 weeks ago. Then you said it was 8 weeks, which is it?  

    If it's been only 3 weeks, you are probably still having lochia, or your cervix could be irritated/infected.  If you haven't yet had your 6 week check-up, stop having s*x and give the doctor a call.

  3. So did you have the baby three weeks ago or eight??

    Bleeding lochia is normal for about 4-6 weeks after giving birth.

  4. its probably b/c everything down there was still sensitive from giving birth, its why doctors tell you to wait at least six weeks, so everything can heal. The spotting is probably from the intercourse, why dont you call you doctor

  5. Hun it could just be your uterus cleaning its self or an infection i would see your GP to be on the safe side x

  6. YOUR CRAZY for having s*x 2 weeks after!  Yikes... They say you should wait until 6 weeks or so.....

    Are you pregnant again?  You better look into this.

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