
Had my baby! update & question ?

by  |  earlier

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hi everyone - i am trying not to panic anymore.

Friday afternoon I had my baby! he is a beautiful baby boy!! I had to have a c section due to cpmlications with he inducement.

That eveing he was transfered to another local hospital due to complications with his lungs. then transferred to chicago childrens hospital. he is diagnosed with pumonary hypertension.. he didnt do well on the breathing machince didnt respond to the blood transfusion and had to have a temp lung and heart bypass. Doeas anyone have any advice he is stable now but is sedated and tehy had him paralizerd but today took him of the paralizing medicine. please pray for our son. THanks,




  1. Honey, I hope everything goes well.  I would suggest you talking to the doctor about this not anyone on Yahoo.  They specialize in this type of situation and your babies doctor knows what is best for your baby.

  2. I am very sorry to hear about your son. I will pray for him and God will get you all through this.  

  3. So sorry to hear your baby is going through a difficult time.  I am just 12 weeks along with my first, so I don't have any experience yet.  I just want to wish you and your family well.  Just keep sending him your love...

  4. i hope he gets better soon, good luck

  5. Congrats, and I know your little one will be fine. I can just feel it. :)

    Relax, and take things one day at a time, he will be home with you before you know it. :)

  6. Oh my prayers do go out to you.  Your baby is strong & so are you.  You guys will make it thru all of this.  Visit your baby as much as possible.  

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