
Had my wisdom tooth out and had 1 stitch, which dentist said he removed, but it is still there?

by  |  earlier

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had to go to dentist on tueday (this week) to have my stitch taken out (from having my wisdom tooth out the week before) it was very swollen and soon as he tried to apply pressure to take it out it hurt so bad i yelped in pain and cried. he said he had got it, but now the swelling has gone down i see some thread still in my mouth, will it work it's way lose, i'm so terrified of having to go back to the dentist has this happenend to anyone else?




  1. im sure if they said they had taken it out, it'll be out.

    call them and ask xx

  2. i had dis-solvable stitches in my gums when i had mine out. one stitch however didn't dissolve and i had to have it taken out, the dentist sprayed some local anaesthetic on my gum first-ask for that  

  3. i would go back and ask him to take it out there may be a bit still left in there especially if it was inflamed


  4. ME TOO! ..I had my wisdom tooth out and 3 stitches in it 2 weeks ago. A week later I went back for the stitches out and they removes all three, I saw each one as he took them out with the tweezers/pincers. Afterwards (few days later.. or maybe straight away..can't remember exactly) I noticed what looked like a stitch still in there. Anyway.. turns out it was just a line of dried blood that looked black like the stitch. It might be the same. Like there in blood inside the hole and you only see a line of it in the crease where it's healing over. So give it a few days or a week or so and I'm sure it'll get better. BUT if it gets really red and swollen you should go back as this can indicate infection and you will need antibiotics.

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