
Had period for 3 days then went away for a day now it is back?

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Me and my Fiance have been trying to have a baby...I got my period right on time which is very odd for me. I am usually always late. It only lasted for 3 days which is also odd for me. It was gone for a day and now I am bleeding again. Is this normal?




  1. It sounds like to me you dont have a regular cycle.I use to have my period every 23 days around the clock.I was very regular.Go see youre doctor just incase.  Good Luck!

  2. ask ur doctor could be a weird thing

  3. No that is not normal.

    You should defiantly see your Doctor.

  4. i had that, it was nothing, but if you are worried, i would consult a doctor, I am sure it is nothing as well, although a visit to the doctor would be good!

  5. you might want to consult your doctor

  6. I have heard that many women who are pregnant do experience spotting and irregular bleeding, and mistake it for their period.  So it is actually possible that it may not be your period at all.

    Many women do experience irregular periods at some point in their lifetime.  I have but that was induced by birth control pills.  If you have recently stopped taking birth control, it is possible that this change in estrogen levels has thrown your period out of whack.

    I have never been pregnant or even tried to be before, so I can't offer any further insight!

  7. You could have an irregular period. I have periods that could skip for 2 months or a few weeks. Like, it starts, then stops, and then starts again another time of the month. You could go to your doctor to get more information about it.  

  8. Yup, it happens.  Just curious: why not get married first and then have a baby?

  9. it could be that you drank something with citrus. like a lemonade or something because that tends to stop it and make it come back later. if not call your doctor and ask him. but i don't think so because it has happen to all my girl friends and me

  10. It seems normal, the day you lost it you were probably either stressed out, or doing heavily active work which may have stopped your period for a while, and the next day you were probably back to normal, the stress went away. Especially with a baby on your mind, there may have been a lot going on with your body to handle your period and the stress and everything running through your mind. Just relax when you have your period. Try to do some walking to take away from stress and also it helps cramps go away. Also, a walk help clear a mind. But if you weren't really active or stressed out that day your period went away, maybe consult a doctor tell him/her exactly what happened, if that's what makes you feel more comfortable GO FOR IT! just remember, stress never helps when you're trying to have a baby!

  11. It has happened to me recently.  I don't think it's cause for major alarm.  Your body may be reacting subconsciously to your trying to conceive.  Sometimes our cycles are like clockwork, and sometimes they surprise you.  If this becomes a pattern or irregularity, see your doctor.

    You should probably get a pre-pregnancy check anyway.

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