
Had period for one day then it quit?

by  |  earlier

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okay this is different but i had my period for just one day and it doesn't make since, ive always had it for 6-7 even 8days sometimes, and its usually heavy all the way through,but recently this month it just happened to be a little bit different and then on and off for a week i spotted and i still kinda am spottin every so often.Could this be pregnancy because if i am not mistaken last month or so i could not keep my food down every time i ate i threw it back up.I dont know i know someone has to have an answer for me, i'd really appreciate it.Thank You.




  1. you sound very pregnant. the period you had was called implantation bleeding which occur around your period and is only spotting. its when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine lining. [what would of been your period] and you also had morning sickness. i would take a hpt asap or go to the doctors...good luck!

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