
Had s*x on day 11 of my cycle. My cycle is a regular 29 day cycle. Can I be pregnant?

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First day of my period was August 4th. My cycle is regular 29 day cycle. My husband and I had unprotected intercourse on Aug 14th. On the 17th - 20th I had spotting. I took a preg test at home this morning (29th) and it was negative. Is it just too early to tell? The test said I could test 4 days early. I am expecting my period on the 1st or 2nd of Sept. We are actually NOT trying to conceive. We have 2 children 4 and 2 but are not against the fact if I am.




  1. So hard to say.

    Fertile at day 11: it is possible.  Its usually ovulation at 14 days after last menstrual period, but we are all slightly different, so day 11 is not far off.

    Spotting: Could be a sign your not pregnant, could be unrelated to pregnancy, or could have been "implantation bleeding" where the fertilized egg burys itself in the walls of your uterus.

    The test: even those tests that say you can test early are unreliable.  With this pregnancy I am in now, I used them and they were all negative even within the time frame they said it should show up.  I had to wait until i was a day late to get a proper line!

    Whatever the result of this, you will know by 5 September for sure.  not long to wait!  All the best. x

  2. I think you need to wait at least till Sept 2 for a test to accurately give you the result. Wait until then.. relax and test on Sept 2. All the best

  3. i think its too early.

    wait til ur missed period.

    u have 2 kids hun u should know that.

    and if ur not trying it shouldnt be that hard to wait til u missed ur period.

    because this way if u start ur period, u will have a test to use when u do get preg.

  4. Anytime you test before missing a period, you risk testing too early and getting a false result.

    Even with “early” tests like First Response you could still get a false negative if testing before you are late with your period. The packaging has a DISCLAIMER that states  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœIn clinical testing, FIRST RESPONSE detected the hormone levels in only 61% of women four days before their expected period, in 83% of women three days before their expected period, in 93% of women two days before their expected period, and in 95% of women one day before their expected period” – considering those statistics AND how much this test costs (it ain’t cheap), why not just wait until you miss a period?

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