
Had the Americans not entered World War II...?

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Would n**i Germany have managed to defeat the Soviet Union and control Europe?




  1. It would have been easier for them to defeat the Soviets since they wouldn't have to have such a strong force on the western front but that's not to say it would have been easy to defeat them.  The main problem the Germans had on the Russian front was the elements and that would have been a problem for them regardless of whether the U.S. entered the war or not.

  2. No, by that point the n**i's couldn't have defeated the Soviets. However they could have rallied and effected a defense of Germany, stopping the Soviet advance. They probably would have lost their western European gains but if that were how it played out it's possible, however unlikely, that the Third Reich would exist to this day.

  3. No, no, no!   The n***s were already beaten.  The US jumped in so  late, seemingly just to prevent the Soviets from getting to Berlin first.   (Though the Soviets had a lot of material help - steel, tanks, etc. - from the US.)

  4. They wouldn't have defeated the Soviet Union, but the war would have gone on for years longer, there's no way the British, Canadians, French and other allies could have pushed the Germans back to Germany, the troops they could have saved from the Western Front would have been invaluable to them in their defense of the Reich against the Russians,

  5. n**i Germany would never have defeated the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union was much too big, had too many more people and could outproduce Germany. This is a popular "what if" in America and people want to think Germany could have won. At best they could have forced a stalemate, but they could never have completely defeated the Soviet Union. I had a professor in college who used to get so angry at students who thought Germany would have defeated the Soviet Union and he would bring in countless statistics showing how it could never have happened. He was a German History professor and his area of expertise was World War II, in case you were wondering.

  6. I think the War would have gone on longer but unless Heydrich had survived the assassination there would not have been enough mentally stable (I say mentally stable though he was capital E Evil) top level leaders to keep the 3rd Reich together.   The Soviets would have won out maybe by the fifties.  They outlasted Napoleon, they would have outlasted Hitler who probably had some sort of Parkinson's type disease.  

    Had Heydrich lived through the 1942 attack he would have routed his enemies Himmler and Grifelt and gained Hitler's complete trust.   I once wrote a short story that this happened and "Arachnid" aliens of the North Pole ascended his Genetic structure to that of a Nephilim from his mitochondrial DNA.   A very logos to the extreme society results and all the supersonic trains run on time until the Rebels release a disease that affects the "Master Race" making it sterile.   The 4th Reich gets the key to time travel from Reptiods and invades our time-line to kidnap, um gather, certain genetic specimens.  

    It is fun to think of as Fiction only because the story is NOT true.   Very Glad I learned German to be able to chat with my relatives near Baden Baden and not to be a field hand for  a wannabe Knight Teutonic.

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