
Had the most disturbing dream..please help me :(?

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Last night I dreamt that my friend Tara came to my school. I showed her around the school, and then she showed me her school. I dont remember much of Tara's school, though. But my school looked different, more open and bigger, which is funny because its a small school. Then I remember being in a car with Tara and a little girl that she babysits. The car was white, if that matters. The weather was really warm too. Then Tara came with me and my mom and we drove down a long road near a beach and lots of places to sit on the sand. I remember saying to my mom, "Thats where me and Tara were earlier." But I dont remember being there with Tara at all. The last part of the dream was very scary. We were back at my school, and me and Tara went up a ramp because we heard some cries. (There isin't a ramp inside the school by the way). It looked like an alley, and I saw an old asian lady in rags standing in the corner. As me and Tara made it up the ramp,




  1. dreams can be very confusing things and can end up meaning the total opposite of what they mean.

    For example when you told your mum about you and your friend Tara went to the beach. If the water was clear and pretty or the water was nice looking water, as in it wasn't dirty or anything, then this means good news.

    so this could mean you might hear good news from or about your friend Tara.

    i honestly don't know about the Asian head,

    that's way creepy.

    hope Ive helped :)

  2. There is no set explanation as to why humans dream. There are theories like our brains like to recycle information it doesnt need while you sleep (like a computer almost). And there are also theories that explain things you eat, drink, do, talk about, and see contribute to your dreams. if you dont want these dreams anymore think hard about somthing you ate or talked about, and try to avoid those things in the future. Thats the only thing i could suggest! :)

    P.S. : all dreams are pshycological. theres nothing bad that will, in fact, happen. The human brain is amazing, and we havent figured it all out yet... i can say for shure that its all scientific though. so dont worry to much about it :) just a bad dream! :)

  3. I sense this is bull shitt. You can't smell in a dream. And dreams dont mean a thing, so stop worrying

  4. What is your nationality/ethnicity, and what are your perceptions about the generalized population of Asian people (whether or not you yourself are among them)? Those are two things I'd need to know in order to most accurately interpret this. But I'll try to interpret what I can from what you've given here.

    I'd say it seems that there is someone in your life that you would like to help in some way, but you're not sure how to go about it or if they would even really appreciate it. You are being urged to help them, however - your subconscience is prompting you to go forward and don't worry about it.

    Though the Asian thing is probably significant, and may alter the interpretation significantly depending on the details. So if none of this rings true to you, please feel free to add details and I'll be glad to integrate them and see if anything more helpful emerges.

  5. School, your familiar environment; Beach you have been there, and with Tara.

    Cries, past memories come back, your school familiar environment- your old country.

    You have a glimpse of the horrors during the world war II, when Japanese invaded China, every where they went, there were people's heads got chopped off just like in the movie, "What dream may come". They even had competition between two army officers, who competed to see who chop more Chinese heads, and it was even made it to the National Headlines in Japanese Newspapers.

    And old woman in rags, when in war, people do not have much to eat, and no proper cloths to wear, she can also be the your guide to remind you of your past.

    Why you and Tara, you were both living at that horrific time period, as you were friends also in past life experienced the same fate.

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