
Had this dream I feel has symbolism, what do you think about it?

by Guest62317  |  earlier

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It features two people I have recently lost trust and am losing friendship that was once great. The first person literally says the meanest things to my face and amkes it clear he never wants to speak to me again, and blocks me on everything, for no reason. It braeks me and i really dont understand, but I carry on and find my other friend, and im crying super hard at this time telling her everything. Yet, she doesn't care one bit, and goes n bragign baout how content her life is at the moment. I cry and cry and tell her off, telling her how she oculd treat me so bad in a time where I'm doing so terrible.

I tehn start running away from her, really fast, in this grassy area with a few people scattered around, to this gate thats starting to close and right when i get their it shuts, and someone on the other side announces that that side is the "free side". The gatekeeper ahppens to be someone i know, and she lets me climb over and I hide so noone notices.

Later, I am in a parking lot alone and the second friend that wouldn't comfort me comes to me and tells me how sorry she is and that she wasn't thinking straight etc etc etc.

Note through this whole dream I was completely distressed, didnt know what was going on or where I was, and I was crying hysterically.




  1. You feel left out and vunerable.  This terrifies you and of course you seek help.  Somewhere inside you feel there is no where to turn for comfort and support.

  2. People tend to think in circles because of the routines of life.  What this dream is trying to get you to do is to "think straight" instead of thinking about routines all the time.  Just take time to sit back and imagine, to think "think straight".

    The hysterical crying you're experiencing in your dream is the feeling of being torn between two lives.  You've got a worldly life where you live out your routines, and there's another life in the quantum field that's more magical.  Your quantum-self is trying to pull you into more of a Harry Potter type of existence where magic is real.  It is real: It's called the quantum field, God, or mind over matter.  The dreams people are having are about these two realities merging, and the difference is so vast, that dreams have become more bizarre and dynamic.

    The crying you experience is because this magical life is so fantastic that you want to go now, but none of us can really "go now" because we have to settle down and stop thinking in circles, first.  As far as I can tell, everyone is on a timetrack to a magical existence.

  3. RUN! this is not a true friendship you are right! you couldnt just have this dream out of nowhere. what its trying to tell u is that both friends arent to be trusted and the second friend is probably gonna keep stalling around u and is gonna act like she could be trusted and when she finds out your most hurtful secret, shes gonna backstab u and tell it to every1 and u wont even know because shell act like it wasnt her who said it and will pretend to console u. sorry to tell it to ya straight up but thats not  true friends right there. they may be plotting somethinng against u. and the lady that tried to help u over the gate represents a true friend of yours who u thought was an associate who will help u in troubled times....

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