
Had unprotected s*x but my boyfriend pulled out

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We always have unprotected s*x but he always pulls out in time. After he came on me he put it right back inside. What are the chances or becoming pregnant from that????




  1. Get married before trying to have a baby!  Nothing looks trashier than a knocked up girl in a wedding dress.  "Mommy, was I an accident cuz you and daddy weren't even married?"  THAT is what you're going to have to put up with.

  2. Are you serious? If you don't want to get pregnant either use condoms or try abstinence. It's amazing how many people come on here asking these silly questions. No one can give you a percentage of your chances but next time try using a condom of get on the pill!

  3. You might as well just let him finish in you.  Pre-ejaculate contains s*** it can get you pregnant.  So there is a very high possibility of becoming pregnant.  Get yourself some birth control.

  4. Basic point here if you dont want to get pregnant then use PROTECTION. The fact he put his p***s back in you after he *** was not a smart move on his part. If you dont want a baby use condoms get on the pill something better then just pulling out. Dont be surprised if you come up pregnant there is a big chance you very well may be.  

  5. I'm not too sure because DRs say that precum is stronger then *** but My brother has been with his Girl for 6 years & they've been using the pull method the whole time she's never got pregnant

  6. You can most definetly get pregnant by doing this.

  7. Ok, let me tell you about a little thing we like to call PROTECTION.  If you don't WANT to get pregnant, use it!!!!  It is a simple concept, otherwise, yes, you can definitely be pregnant!  "Pulling out" is NOT a reliable method, and almost always lands you pregnant!!  CONDOMS, PEOPLE, CONDOMS!!

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