
Had unprotected s*x...took plan b...chances of preg???

by  |  earlier

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My last period started on June 22nd. i had unprotected s*x on august 11th, then august 13th he pulled out both times, used plan b 60 hours after the 11th. very irregular period, only 4 periods this year so far. my boyfriend keeps assuring me that i am not pregnant. i did 2 online questionaires and both said it is very unlikely that i am pregnant. what are the chances??




  1. I am not a doctor so I can't give you a specific percentage of the chance. But judging by what I know about the plan b your chances are very slim. Might I suggest you take birth control if you and your boyfriend have unprotected s*x often. It would eliminate much of the worry after wards. Just a suggestion. =)

  2. Plan B is most effective when taken soon after unprotected s*x.  It is at least somewhat effective up to 72 hours after said s*x, but the effectiveness decreases rapidly, and if an oocyte is fertilized and implants, Plan B won't do anything to prevent the pregnancy from progressing.

    So as I see it, if you had NOT ovulated by the time you had unprotected s*x, then taking Plan B may have worked.  However, if you HAD ovulated, and the oocyte was fertilized, and it managed to implant before you took the pills, then yes, you might be pregnant.  Since it's pretty hard to tell exact timing (and determine whether or not you're likely to be pregnant) even when your period is so regular that you can set your watch by it, I'd say if you're really concerned about this that you should go buy a home pregnancy test.  Use it the first time when you pee in the morning (your pee is more concentrated then), and you should have an answer.

    Also, if you're really worried about preventing pregnancy, you really need to start using some form of birth control.  Pulling out is NOT effective; there are sperm present in pre-ejaculate (not a lot, but enough to get you knocked up), and you're far better off relying on oral birth control/the patch/whatever or condoms than you are on someone else's self control.  You could keep using Plan B, but that's an expensive way to go about it (besides really messing with your hormone levels).  If money is an issue, check out Planned Parenthood; they often can supply cheaper means of preventing pregnancy than over-the-counter stuff.  And whatever you wind up choosing, remember that birth control is far, far cheaper than raising a child.

  3. low very low

  4. Your chances will be much less when you STOP having unprotected s*x!

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