
Had you rather see the ghost of someone who died young or old?

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Would it scare you more if they were old? Or does it have more to do with their "countenance"? (Like if they were smiling or frowning or looked mean?)




  1. Ghosts look like they did when they were alive - so it's no different than seeing a small child or senior citizen (dressed in the clothing of their time) in everyday life. Of course if they were surly or had a bad attitude in life, then that would account for their countenance.  

    I was afraid when I saw my grandfather's ghost (woke up in the middle of the night and he was sitting at the foot of my bed, found out he had died hours before the next day), but only because it was out of the ordinary.

  2. I would think seeing the ghost of a child would be much creepier.  I know when I look at old photos, which I love to do, it creeps me out knowing that the children in them grew old and died before I, approaching middle age myself, was even born.

  3. I don't really want to see any ghosts, either would freak me out.

  4. to booger b the last to answer you, yes ghost exist i'm a paranormal researcher and believe me they are real,,, it really doesnt matter because i want to see all ghost for evidence in research but as far as theory goes,, demons have been known to pose as " Ghost Children"  because they know people are more apt to feel sorry for a child ghost and would be more likely to communicate and accept it so it has been theorized that demons sometimes pose as children to lure in unsuspecting victims so with that in mind,, this could cause people to change their mind in saying they would rather see a ghost child,,, for paranormal info check us out at

  5. Ghosts aren't scary, they're just misunderstood.

  6. I've never seen a ghost, but i'm sure saying 'peace unto you, go to the light' can only good right?

  7. Actually, no, I would rather not see a ghost:)

  8. I'd rather see the ghosts of my love ones! I'm sure they won't scare me because I know who they are. They may be bad or good but I know that they love and care for me...

  9. I think a ghost can appear to you any way it wants.  My father died in 2006.  In 2007 my mom was living by herself when she was attacked by a neighbor, so my family went up to get her and move her in with us.  The nasty neighbor kept putting nasty notes on the door of her apartment, so I had my niece take a picture of them to show the police if they had to be called.  In the picture in the upper right hand corner my fathers face appeared.  It is him as sure as anything, and he has on dark sunglasses and a sober expression.  I think he was letting us know he was right there with us helping mom. If you knew my dad, it was exactly how he would have done it.  It is a picture I cherish because it lets me know he is still with us.  Ghosts are not all scary.  Many just want you to know they are there.

  10. is there a non option please lol

  11. If I saw a ghost, I would rather see one who died old rather than young, because I would like to think that person had at least lived a long life.

  12. Doesn't matter to me. Besides how do you know how old they are if they are covered in a sheet?

  13. ghosts dont exist..neither do spirits

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