
Haemorrhoid treatments How to treat haemorrhoids at home

by Guest33236  |  11 years, 1 month(s) ago

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Haemorrhoid treatments How to treat haemorrhoids at home.  Can someone please help. A friend is in pain and wants some help. Please respond and i'll make sure i pass it on to him on how he can get rid of haemorrhoid. 

 Tags: Haemorrhoid, haemorrhoids, home, treat, treatments



  1. To treat Haemorrhoid at home, Chill out and be cold, use ice.

    The cold shrinks the swollen vessels, providing enormous relief. Sit in the chilly saddle for up to 20 minutes. There's no limit on how often you can do this, but give yourself at least a 10-minute break between applications. Alternating hot and cold - using a sitz bath between ice applications - is also helpful.

    Do dab, don't scratch

    Soak a cotton wool ball with undistilled witch hazel and apply to the haemorrhoids. It's rich in tannins, which cause the blood vessels to contract.

    A dab of Vaseline, also contained in many over-the-counter hemorrhoid treatments, can help to soothe the area.

    Liquid vitamin E and wheat germ oil are both reputed to be effective. Put them on a cotton wool ball and apply it a few times a day... If you can find it in a health-food store, try a salve that contains comfrey or calendula, which will both soothe and promote healing.

    Strange as it sounds, a poultice made from grated potato is astringent and soothing.

    Lounge around

    A couple of times a day, find a comfortable sofa, stretch out, and put your feet up. What's good for your frayed nerves is also good for your haemorrhoids. In this supine posture, you take the weight off your overstressed anal area. At the same time, you improve circulation to the area that needs it. Ideally, allow at least 30 minutes for this 'task'. If you sit or stand for long periods, make sure you change position regularly.

    Go with the grain

    Get more roughage into your diet. Research shows that a high-fibre diet can significantly reduce haemorrhoid symptoms, including pain and bleeding. Foods that are rich in fibre include whole grain breads and cereals, fresh fruits and vegetables, brown rice and nuts.

    When you're getting more fibre, you need to stay well hydrated to prevent constipation. Be sure to drink enough fluids so that your urine is pale, not dark, yellow.


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