
Haggis or Blackpudding.....which one do you like the most?

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Haggis or Blackpudding.....which one do you like the most?




  1. Never tried Haggis but love Blackpudding. How does it compare? Are they similar tasting.

    Tried whitepudding in Dublin, That was nice. The whitepudding I mean not Dublin, that was a dump. They sell Haggis in England but I imagine it's not as good as the Scottish stuff, in the same way as the porridge. so where would you recommend I try Haggis for the 1st time x

  2. What a lot of strange answers. Black pudding in the AM and haggis in the PM, it's just etiquet. You get red pudding in fife but it's horrible!

  3. Haggis or Blackpudding? I don't know what is first, and I have never seen the second. But, I must admit that the look in that persons eyes on your photo, has a lot of in-common with the questions you asked. So, it's a big probability that the "photo person" is actually you, and if it's! Somehow I've imagined people who participate in here, hmmmm.....don't look like this.

    IN the other hand, you could just as well identify with that girl from the picture, and transpond her glance into your psychological profile.....and that would be not good, not for you and not for us.

    Thanks for your attention.

    Oh, and I must say that you have asked some really good questions out there! (exchanging sexes, being invisible, having friends or enemies here...)

  4. I tried Haggis on my trip to Scotland because I didn't want to miss anything..unfortunatly they told me what it was so I can't say I enjoyed it but the trip was great! I have never tried blackpudding..doesn't sound good.

  5. oooh.... difficult choice. Both are gorgeous, and have their merits. Black pudding is great in a full Scottish breakfast (along with local delights such as Lorne sausage, and fruit pudding); if you want to tart it up, pan fry a slice of black pudding, and serve with a pan-fried king scallop on top. That's a great one for dinner parties, and takes a remarkably short period of time to prep. and serve. And people will talk about it for ages. It's a lovely combination.

    On the other hand, you can't beat haggis and all the trimmings, when the wind is howling up the Firth of Forth in midwinter. Serious comfort food - and, again, very easy to cook! Wrap in foil, and bake, or boil. Serve with neeps, tatties and a shot, and you've got one of the traditional Scottish meals.

    So, undecided - both have their place, and both are very, very nice!

  6. None there both horrible!!!!!!!

  7. like both, but rather have a haggis on me plate than a black pudding no wait other way round , ohhhhhhhh i dunno lol both

  8. Black pudding is good,when made from fresh blood.Many producers use dried blood powder,nowhere near as good.

    J S Irelands on Ashton Market do a veggy version(really)which is surprisingly good.

  9. i never had haggis but always have a black pudding sandwich with brown sauce and crisps it sounds yuk but try it first always good lol

  10. They are both lovely. I'm in Plymouth at the mo and now want to get on a plane and get to Scotland. What is your favourite chippy in Edinburgh?

  11. I love blackpudding but haggis is revolting.


  13. i love them both cant get enough of them good question

  14. black pudding with a full fry up., ive never tasted haggis.. pls let us know fellow answers what it tastes like.

  15. as they are both scottish favourites i go for both

  16. eeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwww! neither, yak!

  17. Blackpudding - I know what it's made of but I don't care it's delicious.  Haggis I'm not so keen on even though I'm a true Scottish Lass.  Black pudding with a heart attack breakfast - sausage (links), potato scones, bacon, slice sausage, toast, beans and fried egg and a big mug of tea - you can't beat it but only once a month don't want to die too young lol.

  18. Neither, they're both yucky.

  19. neither,I'll stick to northern tastes like dandelion and burdock.

  20. Black pudding. I find haggis too dry. d**n! I gave a serious answer. Must be slipping. ; )


    In Great Britain, Ireland and Atlantic Canada, blood sausage is called black pudding. The pudding is credited as first served in Stornoway, Isle of Lewis.[citation needed] The ingredients include pig's blood, suet, bread, barley and oatmeal. Black pudding is usually served as part of a traditional full English breakfast. The further addition of the similar white pudding is an important feature of the traditional Irish breakfast. The Lancashire town of Bury is noted for its black pudding, as is the County Cork town of Clonakilty, which exports black pudding as a delicacy item. Black and white pudding, as well as a third variant – red pudding – are served battered at chip shops in Scotland as an alternative to fish and chips

    Odd Facts and pop culture

    Since many countries' food safety laws outlaw some of the ingredients in haggis (for example, United States law forbids the sale of any animal's lungs for human consumption), expatriate Scots and Scots descendants overseas have been known to engage in 'haggis smuggling' to obtain true Scottish haggis. At least one American company produces haggis for the U.S. market. The Caledonian Kitchen, a Dallas, Texas based gourmet business, began producing both a Highland beef and vegetarian haggis commercially in 1999. Its haggis is in wide distribution throughout the US.

  21. Now that's a difficult one. If I was still living in Scotland I'd definitely say haggis but it's hard to find a decent one in Kent! So it has to be black pudding. It's lovely with bacon in a sandwich - just the right combination of crisp bacon and slightly moist black pudding. You didn't tell us your favourite.

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