
Haha? fun to think about kind of. I know it isn't right.?

by  |  earlier

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I was listening to my ROTC instructor last year in school. He was talking about gravity and stuff... which everyone my age knows about but he has to go over. And I thought to myself.. as you throw an object through the air it falls... duhh... but what if there are different types of gravity, like Albert's trampoline theory thing. What if there's a type of gravity that as an object is moving through the air the gravity literally sucks energy out of the object to make it fall?




  1. Because a falling object isn't losing energy.  It is simply converting potential energy (U=mgh) into kinetic energy (K=.5mv^2).

    Total energy (E=U+K) remains constant. So, gravity can't be sucking energy out of things.

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