
Hahah things not to do in vball!! found this on a site..some r pretty funnee!!?

by Guest61969  |  earlier

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1. Be lazy

2. Get so pissed off that you are more concerned with killing someone than playing well

3. Play in weather that football players wouldn't want to play in..

4. Get a bad case of "itchy belly"

5. Run out of gatorade

6. Talk about losing every game if you lose the first one

7. Pass the ball backwards with precision

8. Crush the ball with all of your strength........into the net

9. Know the dink is coming, see the dink coming and not getting the dink

10. Lift weights shortly before playing so you are stiff, immobile and tired.......before you even start playing

11. Have a rockin gig the night before a tournament and get no sleep

12. Think about why are you doing this anyway?

13. Finish your net real early so you can wait half the day to play again

14. Pass the ball like you were playing sixes

15. Play on a 6" low net

16. If you get blocked do the same thing next time but harder (so the ball bounces back at you faster)




  1. I like it, I luv it, I want somemore of it!

  2. Cali finals NE1!! AWW memories :)

  3. lol!!! LUV IT!!!

  4. What is Ichi Belly?

    I am not happy with my name getting used in this context?

  5. Whew, I could about play a game by the time I read that list.

  6. lol

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