
Hahaha, McCain is going to pick a female! is he grasping at straws or what? he seems desperate.?

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If it wasn't for Hillary, McCain would never have picked Palin. This shows that Mccain just wants to win the election and not to improve our republican ridden country. that's why its a desperate move.




  1. Arn't Obama and McCain close in the polls?

    How is that grasping at straws or desperate?

  2. It's more interesting that she's got 2 years experience as a governer and would be president very quickly once sick-man McPOW  became too ill to continue.

    All of a sudden, lack of experience will seem like a great thing to Neocons.

  3. no your the one worried

    obama is a shallow lake

    no discernible record

    a constitutancy that has numerous problems that obama

    has not helped with

    2 biorgraphies   and   no discernible record

    how can anyone even take obama seriously

    because he has been annointed by Oprah ?????

    thats not gonna cut it in the election

  4. Blatant attempt to get angry Hillbots and PUMAS.  

  5. She would be a great choice if pu55y was the only thing the pumas where looking for in a VP.

  6. Well ha ha ha back at ya. i rather doubt he is desperate, i think his best pick would have been Romney, but i assume hes smart enough to know what hes doing! Gosh i hope so, an Obama in the white house would be a real nightmare!

  7. Obama's the one who is going to be desperate if McCain does that after Obama dissed Hillary for VP.

  8. Actually, it is a very smart move.  

  9. I doubt it.   Just what motivation did the dems have for nominating an african american???   The same argument can be made there, friendo.

  10. You seem desperate; for a brain.

  11. Republicans have lost completely on issues. All they have left is lies, false images, negative personal attacks and so by Karl Rove's script.


  12. Condi would get many votes !!!! but is that enough to elect McCain as he is a Bush Clone? maybe ,maybe not but that's the republicans best chance and they need to do it darn quick !!!f.p

  13. She would be a fine choice but I'm not convinced that he will pick Palin..

  14. LOL... didn't know only the Dems can choose, minority, or gender... hypocrisy is showing

  15. That question sound sexist to me and I thought republicans where the sexist.

    Oh by the way UNO you are lying in a big way we want vote for Obama that does not mean I we will vote for a black same with Hilliary idiot.

  16. That's not true as he has not announced his pick yet. (One more hour)  It could either be Tom Ridge or Joe Lieberman. (Romney and Pawlenty are out)

  17. Tell me about it. He sure does seem desperate to squeeze any amount of voters from Obama(hoping he can get someone who would have voted for Hilary Clinton and vote for his VP just because she's a woman). This is seriously a cry for attention and shows how desperate he truly is.

  18. Quite an interesting "accusation" considering your "man of change" ended up choosing a WELL ESTABLISHED old-f**t.

    Hello Pot, I'm Kettle....

  19. He'll do anything to get elected.  Spur of the moment flip-flop on issues just to say what people want to hear instead of standing up for what he believes in and coming up with real plans.  Obama not choosing Hillary shows he just isn't a person that is going to do something because it is what is favorable at the time.  Do you think Republicans would really choose a woman if they didn't have to?  That's like asking the KKK to have a black leader.

  20. Yes.  He's trying to take attention away from the Obama speech. The Dems have come together... and the GOP is in trouble.

  21. Wow I really can't believe some of the idiotic responses to this question. He's not desperate. She would make a great running mate. BTW you might want to check your facts right now in the polls it is almost dead even so why would he be desperate?

  22. h**l, Obama wouldn't do it.  

  23. I totally agree with you!

  24. Liberals are all scared now, I love it!

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