
Hahahaha! Why are there so many athiests on R&S?

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Like the majority of people on this subject are athiests. I myself am one too. But it just seems like athiests are just waiting for a religious person to put a question up about religion, just so they can attack them with not so nice comments. lol, are you a "R&S predator"?




  1. ....*drink*...

  2. Atheists are Satan's children.


  3. *drink*!

  4. Its fun, and the christians are willing to debate, unlike many on the street.

  5. I only attack those who attack me first and I am still nicer about it then they are. I like many religious people that are on here.

  6. I think it boils down to the fact that atheist get to attack back without having their houses burnt down or their children harassed at school.  As an atheist I am attacked everyday by christians and the rupbulicans for not thinking like they do.  If you attack them back then you are putting your very existance into jeopardy.  I feel that atheist do it here because they have anonymity.

  7. I'm just waiting so I can give an answer that includes "Got Christ?"

  8. You do us an injustice.

    We do not need their questions, in order to "bash" them.

    We can "bash" them any time we like.

    Besides, they "bash" each other, as often as we they accuse us of doing.

    For example, the constant anti catholic, anti protestant, anti muslim thing.

    As for me, I am just here to help.

    The christians need an atheist in a forum like this, just to remind them of what their bible actually says. (:-P

  9. no im not an "r&s predator"

    im an r&s participant

    this as you know is a religion and spirituality question and answers site and atheists are able to answer questions on religion and spirituality same as any religious person or any spiritual person can answer questions on atheists and non beleifs and non spirituality

    and atheists can ask and have an interest in beleivers views and lives and religion and spirituality same as believers can ask and have an interest in atheists views and lives

    i attack no one, i answer qs

    im waiting for no religious person to ask so i can attack, im just asking and answering qs

    as are many other people here

  10. Myself is redundant.  

  11. I am a Muslim, but I respect everyone's opinions.

    Thank God we aren't all the same.

    I don't think Atheists, purposely wait for a religious person to post a question then for them to bash it.

  12. I think that they are trying to get people to experience the wrath that they are experiencing by getting them to become disbelievers ( (lol.))

  13. It's the conversation.  We so enjoy the intelligent, rational, meaningful, well-thought out, thought-provoking exchanges with the Christians.  And, their spelling...Oh, my, we so looooove their spelling...

  14. Because this isn't the "<insert religious cult here> freaks only" section. Anyone can come on here and discuss religion and/or spirituality.

  15. thanks, i was getting thirsty


  16. Mostly to answer this question over and over again.

  17. I  am not a predator., just a sceptic.

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