
Hai.I am a Nurse from India and wanna know 5350 Dhs basic salary is good there or not and is it sufficient?

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I wanna know in Abu Dhabi (Al Mafraq Hospital) the salary of basic almost 5350Dhs is okay or not?




  1. Dear Jen

    The salary is good and hopefully it will be the basic salary or starter salary of the hospital. It is a government hospital and thus you will have more in future. If the hospital providing the accommodation, live there (hospital is providing acc for nurses). Then you can save most of your salary.

    There will be no tax issue in UAE or India. You are eligible to utilize/save whatever you earn. As per one other  answerer, it is not required any male escort for a female in UAE. You will enjoy, Culturally also, you will find many Indians, (especially from your state) here in the Hospital itself.

    I believe that you might have experience in Indian roads, shopping centres, towns etc, a lady can't walk alone through after 7 pm... am I right? You are able to go alone even in midnight in UAE.

    Best of Luck & Welcome


  2. Dunno (Sorry for the no-help answer but i just need to get to level 2

  3. whether u stay in abudhabi itself it is well good salary

    whether the hospital gives the accomodation or not ?

    first ask them for a accomodation

    whether they are not agree don't bother about that

    and clear all the doubts and basic salary  and ask them for family visa also

    good luck to u

  4. Yes.

    If all else is provided then you will pocket the salary. But check the tax issue in India and Abu Dhabi also.

    But other things are on allowance basis then you may not have any thing left, so negotiate and ask them for estimates.

    Cultural shock will be an issue too if you are from culturaly free world. A female must have a male escort in public place that includes, shopping and site seeing. May have to forget about driving also(transport?). Check all this out.

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