
Hai i'm a trainee teacher! how to control strange and misbehaving boys?

by Guest60120  |  earlier

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Hai i'm a trainee teacher! how to control strange and misbehaving boys?




  1. A lot of things but here are some good starting tasks:

    1.) set a class rules and be consistent in giving the consequence.

    2.) have an informal talk with your "misbehaving boys" during vacant time. You may research about their interest (fave computer games, toys, etc.). just make sure it will be something informal and do not try to talk about your subject.

    3.) call their attention or ask their ideas during discussion. that way you can keep their focus and that they will realize that you recognize them in the class.

    4.) appreciate simple "good deed" they perform. tapping their shoulder for a job well done will have a great impact.

    5.) email me for more, can't encode it all.. :D  

  2. Identify and isolate the ring-leader. Make sure they know who is in charge and that you will not tolerate bad behaviuour in your class,. THey are there to learn, and they do not cooperate there are higher authorities they will answer to.

    If you have disruption, eject the trouble-makers to the headmaster's office. They are not your problem.

  3. you make friends with them and treat them with respect

    the whole "you are on time out"

    and telling them off wont work

    trust me

  4. This very difficult to do when you are student teaching. You may upset the parents who will then call the principle and teacher. It is a catch 22 situation. Hope this helps you out.

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