
Hai um.. is this a good Deck for a Reginal Tournament? Help me Choose or make it better please Thank you!?

by  |  earlier

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My Deck is Called the Machine Raiders

(40 Cards)



1 X-Head Cannon

1 V-Tiger Jet


1 Injection Fairy Lily

1 Y Dragon Head

2 Horus The Black Flame Dragon LV 4

2 Horus The Black Flame Dragon LV 6

1 Horus The Black Flame Dragon LV 8

2 Mecha-Dog Marron

1 Ancient Gear Soldier

1 Drillroid

3 Cyber Dragon

1 Mechanical Hound

2 Cyber Pheonix

1 Submarineroid


1 Megamorph

1 Soul Exchange

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 United We Stand

1 Premature Burial

1 Swords of Revealing LIght

1 Fairy Meteor Crush

1 Polymerization

1 Limiter Removal

1 Power Bond

1 Future Fusion

1 Double Summon


1 Trap Hole

1 Negate Attack

1 Dust Tornado

1 Ultimate Offering

1 Spellbinding Circle

1 Rare Metalmorph

1 Forced Back

1 Strike Slash




  1. Only allowe 2 Cyberdragons now. take 1 out, other wise ok

  2. to many random cards in the deck.  injection lilly, vwxyz stuff and the roids arent that great. neither is horus. you wanna just otk you opponent chimeratech style. magical merchant to get thos machines to your grave and closer to heavy storm or overload fusion. drop the poly and add another power bond. always go for the otk.

    i used to run cybers and i won every time.

  3. run foilsil dyna gadget man they r da best

    Monsters: 16

    2 Green Gadget

    2 Red Gadget

    2 Yellow Gadget

    2 Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo

    2 Vanity's Fiend

    2 Banisher of the Radiance

    2 Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer

    1 Neo-Spacian Grand Mole

    1 Snipe Hunter

    Spells: 13

    3 Shrink

    2 Book of Moon

    2 Enemy Controller

    2 Shield Crush

    1 Lightning Vortex

    1 Smashing Ground

    1 Fissure

    1 Mystical Space Typhoon

    Traps: 13

    3 Royal Oppression

    3 Bottomless Trap Hole

    3 Solemn Judgment

    2 Dimensional Prison

    1 Torrential Tribute

    1 Mirror Force

    Side Deck:

    2 Light-Imprisoning Mirror

    2 Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror

    2 Kinetic Soldier

    2 Twister

    2 Legendary Jujitsu Master

    2 Deck Lockdown

    2 Drillroid

    1 Heavy Storm

  4. If your going to a regional tourney you either gonna run into....

    Decks like:

    .Dark armed dragon decks


    .gladiator beast

    .monarch deck types

    .corn controls


    by the look of your deck... I dont think you have a chance,the decks above out draw out play and are very tactical.their decks are way better then yours.

    Unless your tourney is different...........

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