
Hair colour question?

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Naturally i have a strawberry blond hair color, and 2 years ago i dyed it blond, not all over blond, just the top layer of my hair. But now thinking of dying it brown? will i be able to do this without it going green or something like that ? Or do you think i should just leave it like it is ?

thanks for any answers,




  1. i think u should justy leave it the way it is ..or ask a hairdresser

  2. go bruenette if you want but dying it back to blond is really hard.

    but no, if you decide to dye it brown it wont turn grreen or anything.Just make sure it processes long enough... you could also bleach your whoole head and then go brown but that would like destroy your hair...

    but for your whole head i would look into seeing a hair stylist.


  3. I think you should leave it as is or put more blonde in. I have had a lot of blonde friends go brunette and when they decide they want to be blonde again it isnt quite as easy to dye it back.
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