
Hair dye..VERY BAD headache next day??

by Guest87  |  earlier

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i dyed my hair yesterday..not all over..just the roots, so not a lot of the dye even touched my head.

i had no problems yesterday..except a bit of tingling which is normal.

But this morning, ive woken up with the worst headache i have ever had..could this be something to do with it? and has anyone else had this?? should it go away? ive taken some paracetemol..xx

i went to a show last was loud but not THAT loud, and i normally dont have any problems as ive been to loads...could this have an effect?




  1.  I'm 12 and its my first time with using a box dye and right now I have the biggest headache someone tell me why. I've dyed it before and I was fine 



  2. I went to my doctor and she said that its definitely the hair dye. I was fine before dying my hair black four days ago. She said it was both the inhalation of the fumes and the chemicals that are now absorbed into my blood stream. I normally get migraines but this very different. I have severe nausea and a full headache (not isolated to one or specific areas like migraines do). It feels more like when you have a virus with a headache from a fever. She said it should take a week to go away and told me to watch my hair a few times this week and to drink a lot of water.

  3. okay, everyone. I have an allergic reaction to chemical hairdyes and I am also a trained homeopath of many years. I know that the reaction is due to overload on the liver, because it contains metals, namely lead which is contained in specifically black hair dyes. Lead is not stored in the liver and not broken down by the liver, hence the headaches. I have tried to use non-chemical hair dyes but they are not as effective. I will be trying Daniel Field's non-chemical ones and will note the effect.

  4. I dyed my hair yesterday and have a awful headache too :(

  5. I have been using the same hair dye for years (L'Oreal Escellence) but lately get an irritation on my scalp and now getting weird headaches at the back of my head and scalp soreness after dying my hair.

  6. i dyed my hair yesturday too and me headache wont go away, it is really bad HELP!

  7. have had a headache so bad after a hairdying job i could almost taste it! My head hurt soo o bad!

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