
Hair help. Please and thank you.?

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Okay. I have dark brown hair and its kind of thick. i straighten my hair everyday because if I don't its super puffy and wavy and frizzy.

So when I straighten it it gets puffy right after I straighten it. I straighten it big sections at a time might I add.

What should I do to make it less puffy.

But nothing with chemicals and products.

They make my hair greasy.

All of them.

Please help me.

Should I straighten little sections at a time?




  1. You are absolutely right, you should begin straightening your hair in much smaller sections. But also you should stop straightening it so often because most likely you have damaged your hair and made it dry. Good Luck!

  2. u could stop straigtening it for a while maybe you should thin it so u dont need to straigten it everyday and maybe use some hair creams and conditioner and stuff so it gets better but believe me if u keep straightening it it wont help



  3. Well, before you straighten, use a light heat protection spray to protect your hair condition. Don't use too much, or you may make your hair greasy. Straighten slowly, don't rush as this can make the hair frizz/ static. Hope this helps :)

  4. try Bed Heads after party smoothing cream it real helps keep your hair less puffy after straightening it, but you dont need a lot of it or it may go greasy, just put a tiny amount on your fingertips and put it through your hair.

  5. If you are straightening your hair without heat protection products, your hair is probably dry and damaged.

    Use a deep conditioning treatment.

    Try straightening it in smaller sections.

    Use a heat protection product.

  6. Step1. Let your hair dry out COMPLETELY before you straighten it.

    Step2. You want to straighten little sections at a time so, what I do, is I separate my hair in half like I'm going to wear two pony tails, and tie half of it back. The other half I split into half again, and with a clip i put half of the half up. So there's like one fourth of your hair to straighten.

    Step3. Straighten it slowly, don't rush through it, go over it about three times before you go on to the next chunk of hair. And do so with all the sections of your hair. If It's still a little frizzy (by this time my hair is really straight and doubt that yours will still be frizzy but there's a possibility) brush through it a few times with your fingers. The oils in your hands with take away most of the frizz.

    oh! dove and pantene products help your hair because it's probably damaged from all the straightening,  don't worry you don't have to use it every time you wash your hair. Just use it until your hair is noticeably healthier, than you can switch to your regular shampoo and conditioner.

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