
Hair issue for older girls (9/10 yrs old).?

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Do you still do your daughters hair? I don't mean just brushing it out, but putting it up in a pony tail or barrettes (if their hair is longer), or do your daughters do it themselves.




  1. when i was 9/10 i still had my mum doing my hair because it was easier for me to ask her to do it. But i could do it i just couldn't be bothered to, she soon started making me do it myself which was annoying but i guess if she didn't make me i would still be asking her to this day! haha

    : )

  2. I have my nine year old dry it herself and comb it out every night but in the moring to look nice I do the pony and barrettes.. to be honest she is starting to do everything for herself so if thats the lasst little mom thing I can do, I have no problem doing her hair when she is 16. :)

  3. No..they should be able to do all that themselves at that age.

  4. Depends on the child.

    A girl of 9 or 10 is certainly old enough to do her own hair...but some girls prefer the help.

    Whatever works for your child is what you should be doing.

  5. My mom did my hair up until I was twelve years old. Once they hit about middle school, I think they should do it themselves.

  6. If your daughters will cooperate why not teach them to do some simple styles on their own.  They probably could learn a simple ponytail, half-ponytail and braid at this age.  You could make it fun by mounting a mirror directly on the wall from the bathroom sink so they can see the back and know if they've done a good job.  Also some new scrunchies or hair ties might inspire them.  It would probably boost their self-esteem to learn to fix their own hair in the morning plus it would save you some time.  But for special occasions, like pictures or when you are going somewhere fancy I'd still do their hair, curling iron, french braids, fancy updo-the works.  But for everyday they could probably learn to fix it basically and do a very pretty job.

  7. I am 12 years old and my mom still does that for me sometimes. Some girls just don't pick it up. Ask your daughter why she can't do it. But say it nice and caringly.

  8. My older daughters have been doing their own hair since they were about eight or nine years old.    Before that, it's hard for them to get it nice and neat when they put in a pony tail, etc.   My six-year-old still needs help.   She can comb out her own hair after a bath, but she still needs help putting it in a pony tail or braid.

  9. some girls pick up on that stuff early, but sometimes parents need to teach them how to.

  10. When I was around that age my mum would still put my hair in a pony tail. I had long hair and it was kind of hard for me to manage it.

  11. my mom never does my hair but a ton of my friends still get there hair done does your daughter like it if she doesnt then stop if she does keep goin!

  12. My girls all have short hair the oldest two have bobs and the youngest has a modified pixie.

  13. once they hit 10 they should start doing stuff on their own.

    dont let the mom baby them too much

  14. My mom helps a little but I do most of really depends on the style im  going for.

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