
Hair loss after pregnancy how long does it last and take to thicken back up?

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i had experienced telogen eflfuvium myself not related to pregnancy but my sister is experiencing this now, i didnt no what to tell her because mine lasted abotu 3 months and thickened back up competely within a year including the time it shed.

is this the same with hair lsos after pregnancy? she has lovely long hair and shes so upset i feel sorry for her. is it better to get it cut shorter for a bit? how long does it usually last if you have expeirencd it? and how long did it take to thicken back up?

thanks in advance, i just wanted some info, just your experience with it




  1. I haven't been pregnant but I did have a period where I lost clumps of hair every day and it thinned a lot!  I used nioxine shampoo which may or may not have helped but then I also quit my super stressful job!  Hair stopped falling out.  I heard taking prenatal vitamins (a food based one) would help as well as omega 3's.  Hope this helped.

  2. For the first three months of my pregnancy my hair was falling out alot. nothing too noticable but it got alot thinner. It did eventually stop and now is growing back thicker- it is however a little bit darker (i have blonde hair).  

  3. I lost a lot of hair starting around three months to about five months after giving birth.  I started taking vitamins again, and my doctor increased my thyroid replacement because I was becoming more hypothyroid again (I was already so before pregnancy, but had to increase more postpartum.)    That helped a lot.  Now it's about 8 months since giving birth, and my hair seems to be growing back in again.  I have always had thin, fine hair, though.  At least not so much is falling out anymore that it's clogging up drains when I take a shower.    

  4. You will get over it soon. Daily application of refined coconut oil, mixed with  lime juice on the hair, prevents hair loss and lengthens it. Check out  for more info.

  5. I'm sure for most women, hair will go back to normal within a year of giving birth. My mother's however, never went back to normal. Ever since she had me, her hair is really thin and and falls out easily. And this was 21 years ago.  

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