
Hair on chin (so embarassing, please help)? ?

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I have this one thick hair that insists on growing on my chin. What caused this? Will it ever go away or will I have to keep shaving it? :(




  1. It won't go away. It's caused by hormones, and most likely you'll have a few more pop up as you get older. But...STOP shaving it! Just use your tweezers to get it out. It'll stay gone longer and when it does come back in, it won't be as obvious since the end will be rounded, as opposed to the blunt end caused by shaving. You can also check in to getting electrolysis on that hair. After a series of treatments, it should stay gone.  

  2. Don't shave it, pluck it! Stay hairs just happen.  

  3. Hahaha i am glad i am not the only one, dont shave it, it will make it worse. Pluck it and it finaly stops growing.

  4. I have a hair like that

    I just pluck it! :)

  5. Ew don't shave it..pluck it. it's gonna stay there forever unless you get it lasered off. I have hair on my chin and pluck it like one a week. Shaving willl make it worse.

  6. If your going through a change in your life e.g. puberty, pregnancy or menopause, hormones in your body are out of control  and this can cause male hormones to become active. The hair may only be there until your body gets back to normal. For the time being, you could try plucking the hair out; this may be more painful than shaving it but it will take the hair longer to grow back and it wont grow in thick.

    Hope this helped x

  7. u can get it waxed, or u can see a dermatologist about getting it removed.

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