
Hair or no hair for OBGYN?

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My first appointment is coming up, and I don't know whether or not to shave. It's weird cause if I shave... who am I trying to impress? And if I don't.. it's just gross.

So those of you that have had this done... what do you do?

YES.. it is a VERY weird question.




  1. as weird of a question it is, i understand FULLY. every time i have to have an examination i ponder thins, and since i'm 21 i've had a few many exams since there are yearly exams and since i have a health condition called Endo (for short) i've had extra exams.

    Personally, i shave, to an extent. Not fully fully, but enough that i don't feel gross.that'ss my logic. The doctor wont say anything no matter what, and they see everything. So do what ever you need to, to feel slightly morecomfortablee.

  2. well i shave but its a personal decision its just cleaner you don't have any tp stuck in the hair or anything and its easier for me and plus at that time of the month its more sanitary but its personal and after you shave you may have to do it all the time because it can itch some kinda like facial hair i guess i don't know i don't have a beard lol but its personal i don't think it matters to the ob its a choice you have to make if you want to do it id clip some of the hair down 1st with scissors because if you leave it long and just shave like you would you legs the razor can pull the hair and its a sensitive area ...good luck  

  3. i would suggest the you shave, trust me but is up to you the doctor is not even gonna pay attention, but it will better if you do isnt about impressing nobody is about having the clean

  4. Lol I had the same thoughts, so heres what I did.

    Shave your bikini line, and then just trim down the rest. Make it neat lol

    email me if you need more explanation =)

  5. Just leave it alone. Do you really think the doctor is going to be paying any attention to pubic hair...which is something that everyone past puberty has...even the doctor?

    Trust me...he/she won't care. Trim if you must. Shaving bare...for any reason...looks immature and prepubescent.


  6. I shaved..what would you rather experience if you were the doctor?

  7. Shave...I always make sure im nicely shaved and Clean before I go. I felt weird about it at first but its just an odd situation any ways so what the hay.

    That is, if you shave anyways. If you dont usually shave then I wouldnt.

  8. I shaved!... Pls do!

  9. Actually, it's not a weird question. As you can see, pretty much every woman has thought about it at some point! But ask any OBGYN and they'll all say the same thing: They absolutely don't care. They're interested in assessing your reproductive health, not critiquing your body hair.  

  10. SHAVE!

  11. Do whatever you're comfortable with, but trust me on this - the doctor doesn't care one way or another.  He or She won't even notice.

  12. its COMPLETELY up to you!  

  13. I work at an OB/GYN.

    It's split pretty even. Half shave, half don't. I promise you this- the doctor will NOT notice the difference, he or she won't compare you to anyone else, and after they walk out the door they won't remember anyway.

    Take care.

  14. If you normally shave then shave...if you don't then don't!

    Believe me, they've seen it all, and yours is probably going to not be anything special no matter how you are groomed!

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