
Hair question. Please help!?

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I'm a guy. I always have to wash my hair in the morning because when I get up my hair looks gross and feels weird. Why does it do this? And what can I do/What products can I use so that I might not have to wash it all the time because that just becomes a big hassle.




  1. You probably just have oily hair. They sell special shampoos for that. ask your hair dresser for that.

  2. Buy shampoo from hair salons. The stuff from wal-mart doesnt work.

  3. Baking soda works wonders for oily hair. Use it with your normal shampoo. It's more effective and much cheaper than special shampoo from salons.

  4. the thingy ur talkin about is that ur hair feels greasy wen u get up in the morning- and oily- this hapens to both of my brothers too- well it could either be cuz of the shampoo u sue- how much of it- or how long- i usualy scrub the shampoo in my hair for atleast 3 minutes- and a lil hard- and all ov er the place- not just the top of it- after that - i prefer a li conditioner- NOT alot or else ur hair is still gonna feel greasy in the miornin- so i prefer liek hap;lf the amount of shampoo u use- thats how much condiitioner u have to use.  make sure u rinse ur hair good too- also  since ur  GUY too- try the head to shoulders shyampoo- mi bros sed that it helps more than their old one- also pantene is good- i use dove cuz ima girl and it help my long hair- DO NOT use herbal essences- it maikes ur hair dry, flaky, and has bad chemical s in it... also granier fructis is not goof either...

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