
Hair question for the ones who know alot?

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I take great care of my hair plenty of protein vitamins in my diet exercise no stress and plenty of rest.. I tested one strand before to see if its strong and doesn't rip apart easily and it doesn't I also tested if it floats which it does. Question is if I have healthy strong hair is it normjal for it to shed alittle every day like 1-10 strands a day? my hair is thin and fine curly but I have alot of it, Just the little shedding makes me wonder am i taking good care of it.. I don't use anything on it just warm water when shampoo then shock with cold at end of shower to close cuticle and wash out conditioner.. And a sheen product to keep it in place and fight away the pollution and bad rays of the sun.




  1. Yes, it is normal. My hair is completely healthy, and everyday, hair strands fall out. It is completely normal. Everybody's hair falls out.

  2. i have thick hair and i loose enough every day to make a toupee for my hubby.  just making room for new growth.  its normal. be glad its not thick. i have hair every where.  i was even dusting my ceiling fan and it was wrapped around it.  go figure  

  3. Dont worry, losing 1-10 strands of hair is completely normal. People with healthy hair tend to lose a little more than that actually. Daily, they may lose 12-15 strands of hair, so you're hair is really strong and healthy. Its also good that you take great care of it. Thats exactly how I wash my hair, too. So dont worry when you see you lose a few strands a day, it's completely normal. You have healthy stront hair =). Hope this helps

  4. you actually lose up to 100 hairs through out the dayand  dont even know it and thats normal because for every hair ypu lose there are tons of new strands growing. iys great u take such good care of your hair though.

  5. everyone looses a few hairs everyday, there is nothing wrong with the way you are looking after your hair

  6. It sheds around 100 hairs a day and is constantly replacing it. If it didn't fall out your hair would get too thick. Any more or less than around 100 isn't as healthy because it means your hair isn't circulating well.    

  7. you should be worried if your NOT loosing hair

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