
Hair question! please answer!?

by  |  earlier

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ive got hair about this long but a little big darker:

its really really thick and wavy, unlike audrinas

so in about a week, im gonna get it cut and donate to that locks of love place. when i get it cut, i wanna get some highlights

what color should i get? a darker brown, lighter brown?

ive always wanted reddish hair so im also thinking about an auburn-red.





  1. u should get light brown highlights..i hav very dark hair also and i hav caramel highlights which is a shade of light brown..its very pretty nd looked really  good wen i go outside cuz it looks very sunkissed

                               hope this helps :]

  2. In my opinion, Auburn-Red highlights would look really amazing in you hair. Also blondish brown ones too.

    ♥Ella Who you don't Know♥

  3. Get some light brown highlights and 1 layer the whole way around then straighten it everyday, TRUST ME! i wanna be a hairdresser when i grow up!

  4. you should try light brown every one i know that has dark hair has light brown highlights and it looks cute!!

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