
Hair stylists, answer my questions please?

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I'm thinking about becoming a hair stylist and was wondering

How is the school? because I'm not into school work homework kind of stuff and i love beauty stuff and have been thinking about it.

Is it hard? (going to school)

How long do you go to school?

Is it good pay? do u live alone content or do you have to have a room mate? because i want a job that i can live alone and not count on anyone.

and how do i start to go to school? do i have to wait until the school is in rolling?

and what is a good school? i live in the north west of america.

please answer all my questions. thank you so much




  1. Not a hairstylist, But I pretty much know some things about cosmetology schools( Go often, and my mom works for one.), So I can answer some of your questions.

    You don't really get homework in school, most of the stuff is in class kind of work, Like Tests, and questions out of the book. Alot of it is hands on. For the first few weeks, You'll be stuck in a classroom, learning how to do color, and perms, and cuts, and whatever. But after that you'll be out on the floor working on clients, But you'll still have to go to class(You'll get to do projects and whatever.).

    It's as hard as you want to make it...Sure, Some things will be hard, like learning how to cut hair, and doing perm, and learning the techniques..But if your having trouble, ask the instructors..They'll help you.

    Cosmetology Schools aren't like college or high school. They do have some breaks, but they don't let out for summer. They go by hours not years(and every state has different hours.), It takes up to a year. All you have to do, is go into the school of your choice, and sign up. You do have to have your HS. diploma or GED before you can start, though. The school will help you get Finacial aid, grants, loans to help pay for school.  

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