
Hair turning white???

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i'm 13 years old and i just saw i have a white hair me.why is this happening?and what do i do to make it black before all my hair turns white?




  1. I think your really stressed out and you need to tell your parents & ask your doctor about this.  

  2. when i was 13, or even younger than that like 10, my best friend had one white hair strand! i'm serious!!!!

    today he's 19 and he is FAR FROM GOING WHITE ALL OVER.

    i'm not sure why...but make sure you're having a healthy diet, - lots of fresh fruits, vegies, i'm not a health expert and not quite a healthy eater myself. but if you're exercising, drinking enough water, and a good diet, then theres not much more to it or much to worry about. you'll be fine :)

    if it somehow becomes a problem, just go see ur doctor.  

  3. Sometimes people get gray/white hairs at an early age. It's normal don't worry. My friend started getting white hair around 14. I don't know why, but it just starts earlier in some people. So don't worry. You're not going to die or anything :)

    If you are really concerned about it or see more, get some hair dye.

  4. Consume lots of fruits and green salads. Vitamin B complex must be taken daily , as graying of hair is due to deficiency of B complex, at an early age. Drink lots of water. Check out for more info.

  5. well maybe u spent lots of time on the beach and ur hair got bleached from the sun.

  6. dye it.

    since you are 13 years old you may need a light color use womans dye (hey it won't hurt!) heres a website to help find your Perfect hair. Black hair right? That isnt normal in black! Its usally normal in blonde.

  7. stress does not cause your hair to turn gray/white. when hair turns gray then it means it has low melanin in it and when it turns white then it has no melanin in it. melanin is the pigment that gives your hair color. if it is just one strand then i would not worry but my friend had a patch of white start to grow in her naturally brown hair and she has vitiligo, which is a skin pigment disorder.

  8. Hey it could be u hit ur head in that region and damaged the cells causing them to produce different hear .. i know someone who hit her head and then that area started producing white hair .. and a hard hit not a tap on the head. Anways check it out next time u see your gp.

  9. may b u stress to much or get mad alot and that's y it came out[that's what some ppl say]

  10. go to a store or salon and see if they have a color close to urs and have it dyed but the hair is prob ur hair just lightening
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