
Hairdressers always cut to much off ??????

by Guest32756  |  earlier

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ive just gone hairdressers again and they have cut to much off again i said just thin it out and leave the length and they've took off about 2 inches. now my hair will take ages to grow back. does anybody else seem to get to much cut off when they go to the hairdressers




  1. I think the hairdresser cuts your hair too much because you've either got too many split ends or your hair is just not healthy enough. You can prevent this by evening your conditioner throughout the ends of your hair and combing by using a wide tooth comb. Also, when you go swimming, make sure you keep your hair in a cap because your hair will become all dry and knotty, resulting in a hair crisis! (not fun!) So mainly just look after your hair and encourage your hairdresser to cut it the length you want. Keep on insisting and if they seem like they need to cut it shorter, let them. They only do it for the greater good.

  2. oh god i know... i have exactly the same problem... the thing that pi**ed me off last time is that i told her i was trying to grow it.. and she still cut off double what i asked....

    next time you go tell them you want a micro cut... which is literally the very ends of your hair... and if they cut more just say your not paying as its not what you requested.

  3. I have long hair, so I went to this hair salon and asked this lady to cut three inches maximum, you know what she did, she cut six inches, I literally cried. I was so sad for weeks.

  4. This is obviously a blokes' question.

    Hairdressers have always done this, the only way I ever found around this was to ask if it could be cut to look as though it had been cut  a week ago, sounds bizarre, but it works.

  5. No, my hairdressers are great, they always show me how much they are going to take off before they do it, they are really good, because they know I get worried about too much being cut, so they always ask me first. x

  6. If your going to the same hairdresser and they keep doing this then change hair dresser, or specify the amount you actually want cut off. You can always complain that the hairdresser has done a bad job lol :P

  7. OMG!! that is so true they do, i mean i asked for a trim and next minute half of my hair was on the floor i was in tears for about a whole week!! thank god my hair grows fast :D

  8. Your not the only one lol!

    i went to have my haircut and layered to my shoulder (i even took a picture to show her how i wanted it ) but she cut it to my jaw and didn't even layer it! i was so upset, it was way too short!

  9. Mine always show you how much they are about to cut before they start n ask if its ok.  Remember some people's hair has more elasticity when its wet so its cut as normal but jumps up a lot more when its dry...

  10. bad hairdressers, perhaps. Change them

  11. yeah they always seem to cut more off then your want to

  12. yeah! its so annoying. i asked for 2inches off once, and she cut off over double. i was in tears, (i was about 5/6)

  13. yes they always cut off more.

  14. the opisite happens to me, there always like wow your hair is so amazing - my hair looks like this you should keep it long (i was always going to do that) so im like 1.5'' and they cut off like 0.5 '' .

  15. I always have the opposite problem. The hairdresser never cuts enough off and I never look as if I've been which is very annoying when it is so expensive. When I've paid out a lot of money I want everyone to know I've had something done!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. yeah. for some reason a "trim" doesnt translate into hairdresser speak.

    used to always happen to me.

    but i got to a heaps good salon now and they know exactly how i like it..

    look around for a really good salon.

    and in the meantime just find cool new ways to style your hair a bit shorter.

  17. To get your hair thinned out, they have to take some length off.  

  18. I'm confused...The Hairstylist took too much off, But yet, You said to leave the length..If you saw them cutting your hair, Then you should have said something....Or if your talking about the thinning part...It shouldn't be all..So you wouldn't know if they 'took too much off'.....Besides, Hairstylists cut when hair is wet. When it drys, It shrinks up./Plus when thinning hair, They take alot of hair..But like I said..It shouldn't be noticable.

  19. No, maybe you should change hairdressers? Or go more often so there aren't as many split ends that tempt them to cut off!

  20. yes, i asked for just a trim and he cut off 2inches - i said to him i wanted to grow my hair longer but then he said i have split ends so maybe its because you have split ends. it is annoying though isnt it!

  21. well i got my hair cut last night, and just got a trim - i asked for about 4 inches cut off and even showed her. when i got home and looked in the mirror i was so f****** shocked! she had cut off 12 inches !! (i even measured it to be sure!) i was so surprised, as i showed her how much roughly i wanted cut off..but noooo she just had to keep cutting away and as i got out of the chair i saw a big piles of my precious locks! my hair WAS down to my bum, but i thought i'd get it cut shorter, but not that short! now its a few inches below my shoulder when its up and a bit longer when its down. im not that bothered now, as its easier to manage, no more split ends (as she chopped all of them off!) and no more double hairs. im glad she did it in the end, but it just goes to show, hairdressers arent as nice as they seem! luckily enough my hair grows really fast, so its not really a problem, but still she shouldnt have done that. i really feel it for you! hopefully urs grows back soon, im sure you look lovely anyway =]

    cya x x

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