
Hairy probelm please help?

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I have always had lyke REALLY hairy arms. I'm 12 bout to be 13 and i have so much hair on my arms is this normal........I mean no one says anything ab out it except my cousin that just lykes to mess with me....i'm worried about loosing my popularity....I'm so self consious about it.......i mean my boyfriend obviously dc but i 'm scared cuz i'm so self concious...n my mom has always been lyke really strict ab where i can shave n i 'm scared to talk to her about it cuz the reason they are hairy is bc i'm cousin(who is also indian) has the same problem n she shaves hers would it bad to shave since i'm indian or am i just lyke really weird freak




  1. don't shave your arms! Your hair will thinn out over time,

    If your really worried about it I would sggest wearing long sleeves

    that  thing happened to me don't you worry!

  2. You're not a really weird freak and I don't think it would be bad to shave your arms. I'm have a lot of cherokee in my genes with a ton of other things thrown in, but I guess mostly american and I had hairy arms when I was your age and just started shaving them a little bit before I turned 18 because I just couldn't handle them being like that anymore.. I haven't regretted it since. I feel so much more confident now.

    So you're not alone, lots of girls have hair arms, just remember that if you do start shaving your arms, ask your parent or guardian first and remember you will have to shave them pretty much every day or every other day.

  3. yeah I would tell my mom about it.In fact that's what I did when mine started doing that and she said yeah honey i will buy you a shaver! :) Dont be afraid :)

  4. lmao .

    how about this :

    yer lyke to self conscious and lyke u care to much what lyke other people lyke think about you !

    get some counseling please . you care too much of what people think about you .

  5. First of all, anyone who truly cares about you and loves you isn't going to dislike you for some physical feature that you didn't ask for. You shouldn't be worried about your popularity over hairy arms. If you do, then you hang out with some ridiculously shallow and superficial people. What matters is what's inside - your personality, whether you're a good and loyal friend or not, etc...  Now, what does matter is how you feel about yourself and if your arms bother you, then yeah you should talk to your mom about it. But don't shave, because it just grows back faster. Waxing or using creams is better. I'm getting the laser hair removal done because I'm french canadian so I'm more hairy then others and I hate hair!! And my hair is black and thick. Laser hair removal is really expensive, but to me it's worth it because I'm going to be more confident with myself. Do what makes you feel good about yourself, and don't worry about what other people think. Good luck girl.

  6. my bff is indian 2, her mom let her get her legs and arms waxed when you wax them every 2 months sooner or later the hair wont grow

    as painful as it is i think that it would be worth it

  7. dont shave it arm hair grows back really weirdly it doesnt matter that you are indian

    just you can wax or use nair its not good to shave your arms

  8. I wouldnt do anything about. It the problem with shaving is that you will have to do it for the rest of your life and after only a day or two it will get all prickly and grow back darker. You shouldnt worry about it. People need to accept you for how you are and obviously your boyfriend doesn t care. You will go through your days worrying about it when in reality most people probably dont notice.

  9. DON'T shave them. And dont't worry about your popularity..?  

  10. Dont worry! You are totally normal. Have you tried bleaching the hair? This will make it much less noticeable.

  11. you should have more confidence in yourself than that, but if it really bothers you, wax it, dont shave.

  12. shave it as soon as possible. Your mom will understand.

  13. First of all I have to say something and I don't want to be a ***** about it. Please stop spelling like with a y. I know you are much smarter than that spelling makes you sound :)

    Now onto your arms. I know how you feel. I was very hairy by the time I was your age and it made me crazy. I didn't even notice it until someone said something about it. After that it was all I can think of. If your arms are bothering you because of how they make you feel then maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to talk to your mother. If you want to shave because of how other people are reacting to your arms, that may not be the best reason.

    Just remember, once you start shaving you have to continue forever. Good Luck!  

  14. My friend bleached the hair on her arms and it made the hair a lot less noticeable...

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