
Halal animals, are they martyrs?

by  |  earlier

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I know it is a weird question and all, but I this has on my head for a long time so I thought I'd ask. I know they don't want to die, but they die in the name of Allah (swt) so would and that they die to feed us, muslims make them a Martyr????????




  1. umm lol that is a really interesting question...i dont think they are called martyrs though, just something we kill to eat. they are fighting for the sake of god or anything, they are just sacrificed

    that would be a great question for a sheikh

  2. lol why would they be martyrs? No they aren't. But they surely go to Paradise instantly the second they're sacrificed.  

  3. ummmm... obviously not.

  4. The Islamic way of killing has been scientifically proven to be the most merciful and painless, as opposed to others.

    As for the martyrdom, my mom told me once that these animals go to heaven. And there, they become much bigger and stronger than they were on earth. When the Muslim who slaughtered them goes to paradise, he/she will be able to ride them. I don't think they are martyrs, though. Just go to paradise.

    Allah, our and their Merciful Creator has made it like that.

    U're really sweet sis! I like cows too, but haven't seen them outside the zoo, except for twice. I guess they just work in the fields and graze the pastures. They shouldn't be v. miserable, right? I mean they work and get to eat, and rest. Of course, it's prohibited in Islam to treat them cruelly. It's a great sin if they are not fed or rested properly, and deserves punishment. They shouldn't lead painful lives if they are owned by a Muslim.

  5. well Allah says in the quran that livestock has been provided to us for use.  So their fate is already determined by Allah. But in any case, animals are not considered "ashraful makhlukat" or best creation among all creation of Allah so the concepts of rules and guidelines provided by Allah in the shape of the Quran, does not apply to them.

  6. They don't have souls.  God created them for our consumption and to use them for other tasks. Animals are here for humans to use them in whatever way Allah has allowed.  We must feed them and not be cruel to them.  But we need to eat them, we can slaughter and eat them.

    Allah says in Quran, you can use milk and meat of animals. You can use them for travelling on their backs. These are created for your service. But you must take care of them and feed them properly and not ladden with weight that they are unable to carry  or  else you will be cruel and Allah doesn't like cruel people.  Humans will be punished on the day of Judgment who will be cruel on animals.

  7. If thats true, that means paradise is gonna be hella stinky

  8. I know they don't want to die! I don't know if that makes them a martyr. I pray that they have a painless death and will be rewarded after death for having to live such a miserable life on this planet.

  9. Good question little girl.

    God made these animals for mankind to eat and show, and God loves all His creations, I am sure they have a special place in the after world.

    But those animal given in sacrifice will testify for the giver in the hereafter on the plains of Resurrection  

  10. Everybody has to die one day.

    Animals do not have Judgment Day



    Do you know plants have life too?

    . Do they get martyred too?

    Answer is  NO  Allah made this a chain of food.

  11. Sa;lam for you my dear friendAll animals are created by Allah for humans and whatever cratures who  have spirit and soul will die at certain time decided by Allah.Animals can give benefit to humans as a transportation tools such as camel,horse and cow,for its meat and milk such as cow ,camel  and goat and for guarding such as dog

    When the animals died they would not be martyrs but they will go to heaven too just like good faith humans.Animals devouted their lives for the benefit of humans.

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