
Halal entertainment for Muslim families?

by  |  earlier

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  1. a trip to do Umrah in Ramadan, very Halal activity.

  2. Why are people saying Umrah? Is that meant to be a family outing? Flights do not come cheap you know.

  3. 1) Take the kids to the zoo

    2) Backpacking

    3) Outdoor Picnics

    4) Climbing, Hill walking

  4. 1-Omra. u'll enjoy and besides you can tour all the holy sites and the places of battles like arafa,muzdalifa or ohud or badr. may be they won't permit into muzdalifa or mina NOW cuz of preprations for Al-Hajj. and don't forget to visit Madeena.

    2-visit your relatives infact you'll even get ajr for it.

    3-you can listen to Islamic songs that don't contain music.

    4-listen to yousef estes's lecture. it's a comedy stuff.

  5. Halal activity, that means something not haram.

    That can be anything.

  6. Certain songs,Umrah(I had a great expiernce)

    a game of cricket or football playing the ps2 or xbox

    reading quran and hadith

    ps god bless Turkey


  7. getting together with friends, going to the park, going fishing, having a picnic, any kind of sport.

  8. *Go out for a meal

    *Theme park

    *Picnic in a nice park/place

  9. whats better then a good old seaside trip?  

  10. Cooking, sports, going to a bookstore, parks, walks

    i would try to keep my kids off movies so they don't get used to it.  I know kids movies are not haram, but the older they get they will want trashy movies...

  11. do anything

    you know yourself where your boundaries stand, and there isnt alot of haram out there to do with your family...?  

  12. look out of the window of house and spot cars going past and still wear the Hijab!

  13. Go out to the zoo or something. Explore nature. Visit friends and family.  

  14. I think you dont need to ask this qs if you read already Quran and understand it by your languadge,

    Try to read biography about our Prophet [H>M>S].

    You can follow that what he tell us to do in our life.

    may ALLAH bless us all.

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