
Half hr till phone interview!!

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I am so nervous, normally I'm not What would be the best way for me to control my nerves!




  1. Put on some music that you love!  Time will FLY!

  2. just stay calm. it will always work out. drink some water and take deep breaths. i stretch sometimes. it calms me.

  3. Stat calm and relax,believe it or not phone interviews are the best,you don`t have to look at the other person.Remember stay focus.

  4. What are you worried about? You can have some notes about yourself and what u could say to certain questions and you dont even have to see the person or sit in front of them. Do some breathing exercises for the nerves, google "breathing from the stomach" which makes u focus on your breathing rather than your nerves.

  5. Phone interviews are generally the hardest because you can not see the person on the other end and their expressions to your response.

    The important thing is to keep your resume on hand, a pen and a paper, be in a quiet place and ensure that you have plenty of water as your nerves will dry your mouth.

    It is a good idea to always be polite, answer the phone such as "Good morning, Aussielad27 speaking"  and write down their name when they introduce themselves so you do not forget.

    Using their name while talking to them keeps them focused thus making you a more desirable candidate as it sounds professional and they will remember you. This also yields a lot of confidence.

    If you can not answer something they have asked don't flip out. They are more then understanding of the nervousness a phone interview can be and more then likely they are assessing how you operate on a phone especially if it is a phone based position.

    The most common questions asked are along the lines of describing what your experiences were with certain situations, depending on the job title at hand.

    These can range from "tell me a time where you had a difficult customer and what did you do to resolve the issue?" the most logical response is to think of a time where you had conflict with anyone you know.

    You may not of had conflict in your previous work, so instead think of a time where you and your friend had a problem and tell the interviewer how you sorted it out.

    It is okay to fabricate responses to these questions as more then likely you haven't experienced them, Instead of making it up entirely make sure you draw on personal life experiences this helps keep your mind focused. Simply swap a few things around to make it sound like it was from a previous employment.

    The main things employers look for aside experience is Confidence, Ability to perform under pressure (The phone interview is a good way to test that), How you present yourself and of course ensuring that you are able to handle whatever the position entails you to.

    Furthermore you end your interview with "Thank you for your time, name" you need to sound casually professional.

    I generally lead all my interviews and as such i get just about all the positions i go for.

    Good luck and i hope that my very quick response reaches you in time.

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