
Half lucid dreaming ? :O?

by  |  earlier

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There was a point of the dream where i realised i was dreaming. & i wanted to see this person in the dream bcause i havent seen that person for ages. I tried visualising the person in the dream but it didn't work so i asked some random people where i'd find the person. and yes i did got an answer (he pointed in the direction : north east) So i head towards and began to feel that im flowing with the dreaming again and stopped lucid dreaming ? After that, the person did appeared ! i was shocked + excited ?! lol




  1. sure sounds like a lucid dream. maybe you chose to flow with it again.

  2. you became lucid, then lost lucidity. happens all the time, you either decided to just let your mind wander and go with the flow, or you lost control, which is fine. congrats!

  3. YES It could be seen a bit like that.

    at least you got to see who you wanted

    so that is a great thing.

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