
Half marathon training?

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I'm planning on running a half marathon on August 7th.

I have run 50 miles so far since the 2nd week of June... currently running about 25-30 miles/week to get in shape for XC- practice starts Aug 18.

My high school's XC team just started Summer Running, a sort of informal practice, tonight... I ran close to 6 miles in under an hour (I average about a 9-9:30 minute mile depending on who I'm running with, closer to 10 if I am alone).

I ran the local Mountain Goat race, a 10-mile course with lots of hills, in 94 something (so like 9:40 miles), and want to at least match that, pace-wise, at this half marathon, which is a lot flatter course. If I continue to steadily increase my mileage/pace until the race, do you think I will be able to do it? There are about 5 weeks until the race.




  1. Yes, with what you've said about your training you should definitely be able to finish one.  The thing I don't like is your trying to do a Half in the middle of summer.  I bet it will probably be very warm (guessing race at 8AM?),  it makes it so much harder on the body.  I'd suggest doing one that is in the fall or spring, but if your set on Aug. 7 just be ready for the warm weather by training in it.  I ran my first and only road half couple years ago in Feb. (almost perfect weather 50, with really light drizzle, but 10-15 mph wind).  I'd never been able to hold the pace I did if I'd done it in Aug.  With your current training though you should be able to make it...just be careful to not get injured by over training to much.  Good Luck

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