
Half my cichlids died...........!

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I went on a vacation and my neighbor left the light in my aquarium on for a few days. Anyway, as I got back there was lots of verdant and half (12 outta 25) of my cichilds were dead. I'm gonna replace all the water and I took my fish out.

How should I clean my aquarium? Should I buy anything like medication?




  1. If you clean carefully, you will lose too many of the bacteria that break down toxins in the tank.  Empty the water, rinse the gravel in cool water and keep it wet the whole time.  If it dries out you lose the bacteria.  Do whatever you normally do to change the filter.  Wipe the inside of the tank with paper towels and reassemble the tank.  Test the water every day in case you get an ammonia spike.

    Next time put the lights on a timer, get an automatic food dispenser, and keep ignorant but well meaning people away from your fish.

  2. Clean your fish tank cuz probably 1 fish died that caused ammonia since your douchebag of a ******* d**n neighbor screwed your fish and never ******* took them out and never ******* watched them cuz he would've ******* known that your fish ******* died but i would get your ******* neighbor in your ******* house rite in ******* now and **** him up.


  3. i hope you didn't clean out your whole tank yet

    the way you should take care of the tank is following

    do a 50 percent water change with a gravel siphon

    rinse the filter in the tank water taken out

    replace with conditioned water

    since half of your fish died, i guess you have high ammonia

    you will need to do follow up water changes of at least 25 percent every other day until your ammonia is at 0 again

    if you do a complete water change your tank has to go through the cycling process again

    read more about the nitrogen cycle here

  4. Not neccessary, its probably the water was too warm, also when lights were on, cichlid will not sleep, if leave it on for 3 days it might die. All living beings need to rest/sleep to regain energy.

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