
Half price train/bus cards for students?

by  |  earlier

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i travel one stop on a train and its already overpriced now because ive turned 16 i have to pay adult fare, i know there is student bus passes but are there any for trains? i'm in fulltime education...




  1. If you live in a PTE area (Manchester, South Yorkshire, West Yorkshire, Merseyside, Newcastle) then you may get discounted travel across the area on the whole. You can get a monthly south yorkshire pass if you're 16-18 for £40 for use on any you might get something similar in your area...

  2. If you are in the UK, a Young persons railcard is the best you'll get  AFAIK, £24 lasts 1 year, gets 1/3 off rail journeys after 10am, or if the fare is over £8 before 10am you'll only pay the £8 minimum.

    Unless your local authority has a scheme.

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