Have you ever held an elevator even though no one was there, just thinking that maybe you would meet someone that was worth those extra few seconds whenever you do it? Or perhaps waited after someone leaving to see if they would come back... as in standing in the elevator doorway... not until the alarm goes off, but just for a few seconds... we aren't talking obsessive here people...
I am just asking because my friends who met in the elevator just told me they were getting married and I once wrote a small philosophy about how those 15 seconds can change someone's life.
I also walked a girl who I kinda knew home once and left her and the door shutting was a really harsh sound, but she came back out when I fiddled with my iPod for a second, might have missed that chance and it was good... So share either your belief in these things, if you do anything small like that, and I know it is kinda obvious but if seconds can change your life, and if they have. Thanks.