
Half way to a panic attack and an ex who won't leave me alone... *please* help, freaking out here!!?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so I know its not long since I last posted a question and I'm sorry but I'm scared and I don't know what to do. I went to try and get some sleep and my ex kept on calling, and calling, and calling. So eventually I turned off the phones. Five minutes later he started banging on the door, and calling me every name under the sun. I don't know what to do. I'm really scared and I feel like I can't breathe. Is this really the guy I fell in love with? Where's my sister? I need someone to tell me what to do but I don't have anyone so I have to resort to asking people I don't even know properly.

Scared, confused and upset.




  1. Simply answer:  call the police.  The number is simple:  9-1-1.  Your safety is being threatened.  The police are best suited to deal with him.

  2. Go to the court and get a order of protection out on your ex. In the eyes of the law he is stalking you day and night. If he calls let the answer machine pick up and if he leaves a message that is prove on your side that will look good. You also need to call the police on your ex  and press charges. If you don't  he will always stalk you. He is controlling you and this is not true love. Maybe he was different when you both met but, now he is showing his true colors. If you don't do anything he might do something even worse to you. Maybe one day to break in and hit you or something even worse. Don't want to scare you but, you need to do something real fast. Or move somewhere else safe. Good luck

  3. tell te police this is HARRASMENT

  4. Rehook the phone and call 911!

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