
Hallo everybody! I'm Italian and i will come to australia for the WYD!?

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In july...!

we are in 400 from the city of Milan (North of Italy)

and we will come for the world youth day:)

we are sooo excited, but the problem is:

in july in Italy is SUMMER!... in Sydney in july it's winter...

We will stay for the first week in Melbourne... it's very cold the weather?




  1. Hi, here is a link to a weather site.  You can type in Melbourne and Sydney and it will give you all types of information.  

    I hope you have a SAFE and WONDERFUL time while you are here.

  2. I will also be traveling to Sydney for the WYD!!

    hahaha i guess this isnt answering your question but i just got excited lol, I have never been there either.

    How are things going with preparations and stuff?

    Wish you lots of luck on your trip.

  3. 80% of Sydney's maximum temperatures are between 13.3°C and 19.4°C. the warmest ever was 25.9°C in 1990. It can be cold during the day and certainly in the evening so some warm clothing is essential.  Sydney's lowest ever July minimum temperature was 2.2°C but it can get colder in the western suburbs. Sydney's climatic averages are here:

    Melbourne's maximum temperatures are two or three degrees below Sydney.  The distance from Melbourne to Sydney is similar to Milan to Naples. Naples is warmer than Milan; Sydney is warmer than Melbourne.

    Enjoy your stay. Both Melbourne and Sydney are great cities and you should have a wonderful time.

  4. It will be cold, wet and windy.

    I hope its the coldest, wettest, windiest week this year!

  5. And don't forget your raincoat and umbrella. Although we do not wear rainboots/wellingtons/galoshes :)

    I hope that you have a wonderful time at such a fantastic event. You should love both cities as they are two of the best in Australia and have a lot to offer culturally as well.

  6. Hey!

    I am going to the WYD events with my school too. Can't wait to see the Pope lol.

    Yeah, it will be cold. July is our coldest month.

    These are some of the average temperatures you can expect during July in:


    Average MIN: 8

    Average MAX:16


    Average MIN: 6

    Average MAX: 13

    I hope this has helped and I hope you will enjoy your time in Australia during WYD.

    From your Aussie friend,


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