
Hallo there hallo. what do ye think of the whole developing gangland situation in Limerick right now?

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Hallo there hallo. what do ye think of the whole developing gangland situation in Limerick right now?




  1. Very sad & dangerous, especially when children get caught up in the crossfire. It's getting so much publicity that all the good & positive things that are happening in the city are being ignored. There's no easy solution - the gardai need more powers & the law should be strickter. As someone has already said a good witness protection programme might help.

  2. Send in the army with the orders "shoot at will" and show no mercy to those scum who are terrorising the innocent people living there

  3. ye did say, "in Limerick", so ...

    There once was a gang selling craic

    Their leader he looked like a yak

    A quiet drink or a cup of tea

    There never would be

    They loved their ipods but not the "Macs"

  4. Its getting out of hand.

    Unless Michael Mc Dowel can put more Gardai resources in that area including undercover armed detectives and put more severe sentences on the criminals it will turn out to be a bigger battlefield.

    Locking up criminals for 30 years and giving out cash rewards and witness protection for anyone who testifies against them might solve the problem.

    Its the innocent victims who live in fear I would have sympathy for in that area.

  5. All this talk about more laws and such like is just as much bull.

    The blessed guards could not care less, nor the public either, unless some bystander is hurt, and the problem is that they can not be bothered to go to these areas and enforce the laws that are there already, and totally sufficient.

    It does start with the young bullies, and if they are not curbed in time, we see what happens.

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