
Halloween Costumes, your best ideas?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so I know that its far away but it seems to fly by... so for fun, what are you being this year or what have you been before that was good? I think mine was Mario the video game character... i had overalls, a red shirt, a mustache, and the hat i made out of felt and a plain red hat... i also wore my chestnut uggs to make it look like his shoes




  1. One year I was a dead princess and used a real wedding gown as the costume. I just added the blood and a bunch of other effects later on with some make-up. I ended up winning 1st prize for the best costume (this is back when I was in grade 8 - and I'll be 27 on Thursday by the way just to give you a clue as to how far back I'm going.)

    Another year I was Kurt Cobain, don't even ask me how I managed to pull that one off but it was pretty cool.

    Last year I dressed up as death (grim reaper) - I managed to do some wicked make up which ended up turning out awesome. (Keep in mind that I like to dress up for the sake of the trick or treators, plus it's fun and Hallowe'en is my favourite time of year too, lol.)

    This year I'll more than likely dress up as the bride of Wayne Static (he's the gorgeous lead singer of a band I'm obsessed with called Static-X - his hair is wild, lol) - And I know he already has a wife for real but I plan on doing this my own way. It should turn out pretty cool (well, hopefully) lol

  2. I was (keep in mind I'm 38)

    Helen Keller @ 9

    Ms Donkey Kong @ 11

    A cool robot with flashing lights @ 13

    Varuka Salt @ 29 ( I spray painted a giant plastic egg gold)


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