
Halloween? What does it mean to you?

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This is my favorite holiday!!!To me its just a day that you party , dress up, have fun with friends, lil kids get candy. Many people think that Halloween is Satanic and that its an evil holiday, i dunno why. I mean i do get the whole all halos eve but i think people exagerate sometimes, but thats just my opinion. Im catholic and its not considered ,at least in my family, an evil holiday Whats your view on this?




  1. I love Halloween!  Of course I prefer the cute side, with pumpkins, scarecrows and friendly looking ghosts, not the ghoulish stuff like blood and guts!  My kids love dressing up and getting candy and we all enjoy decorating the house and eating candy!  :)

  2. coincidentally its my favorite holiday too! and im not catholic so i've never heard the evil part of halloween. i believe that people should be entitled to their own opinions about holidays and holiness as long as it doesnt effect others enjoyment of the holiday. halloween to me is probably mostly about the time i spend running around my neighborhood being someone im not for even just a night. and the candy. :) i mean those who dislike halloween have every right to not hand out candy, crazy teens like us will just tp their houses. trick or treat y'all!

  3. From what I know,

    it came from long time ago

    when droids would go around collecting tax.

    i think.


    it's celebration of devil.

  4. I knew a girl who was very Christian in every way, and her parents made her stay home from school on Halloween. Ridiculous. It isn't Satanic at all. Day of the Dead, which is celebrated in the Spanish culture, is Nov. 1st and idk a whole lot about it, but I believe it's a holiday where the deceased are respected and celebrated. Halloween has become so commercialized I don't see how it can be offensive any more. I's just a day to have fun, get sick from candy, and dress up in ridiculous costumes.

  5. It isnt a good thing to celebrate. but we do it anyway just to have fun and get candy.

    Its celebrating the devil, but i dont even think about the devil nor do i want to celebrate him, im just getting candy with my friends saying trick or treat, not happy halloween.

    You need to read up more on the history of Halloween, and you might change ur views.

    YOur favorite Holiday really should be Christmas!! I love Christmas!! you get presents and celebrate The birthday of Jesus! I lov eit!!

  6. A day where everyone can just be silly, dressing up in costumes and having fun! Plus No school the next day!!! =D

  7. the holiday is not a satanic day its marks the harvest of the scotts

    thats what it means to me

  8. candy and dressing up  

  9. Depends on who you are and what you decide to do with it.  It's evil if you are out sacrificing cats, but there may be people who do that on Christmas too.  I love Halloween too, but was not allowed to celebrate it as a child.  I dress my child up in fun costumes, never anything scary and I take him to the community candy give aways.  It is one of the holidays I look forward to because it is fun to see little kids get so excited about candy and costumes and parties.

  10. Normally I like Halloween. However, two years ago it was spoiled when I went trick-or-treating (I was 13) with my little sister and younger cousin. One of the people asked me why I was still trick-or-treating since I seemed too old for it. For some reason I got upset over it when I should have just focused on having fun. Now, I still walk around on Halloween with my cousin and friends. It's a lighthearted holiday for me, I like the pumpkins and the cute decorations. I personally don't like the bloody evil side that some people go all out in.

  11. Nothing. Little kids get candy from strangers.

  12. I think its a time to party too! and I'm in Australia where it's not considered an official holiday.. its still fun though.

  13. Halloween is great! My daughter loves it. That makes it so much more enjoyable. This year she wants to do a Sweeney Todd theme. I can tell you this, I will not be singing. I will make for a pudgy Depp, I suppose.

  14. To me halloween meens the only time I can dress up in a costume and people wont give me wierd looks (people tend to stare when I dress as a zombie in the middle of the summer) it also means another year older (its my birthday)

  15. I was told that a very long time ago it was a way for people that had more to give to the poor because winter was on it's way.

    People needed to put on weight to make it if it got hard in winter and they ran out of food. That's why most of the food holidays are at the end of the year.

  16. Halloween, yes was a time of darkness. But it NEVER started as the whole "it's satan's birthday" that's what they made up so that people won't celebrate it!  No one really knows the true meaning of halloween because they transformed it into this whole, "trick or treat, get candy day!" but it really was about people sacrificing their children and getting murdered if they didn't. Sounds fun huh? I still dress up and watch scary movies with friends on Halloween, just for the heck of it.

  17. a great chance to scare the c**p out of little kids dressed as batman expecting little snickers bars, but getting more than the little kid bargained for....mwahahaha

  18. its not evil its lots of kids favorite holiday if people thought it was satanic they wouldn't let there kids celebrate it

  19. It definitely isn't evil. In fact, it is originally Catholic. All Hallows Eve means All Saints Eve and a lot of Catholics in Europe celebrate All Saints.

    It is purely secular for me. My Celtic studies group holds a Samhain gathering but it is not a religious event.

    To me Halloween is purely a time to have fun! It is spooky atmosphere, scary movies, events to attend, and decorations. The only serious part of it for me is honoring my ancestors. If I can get to my home state this Halloween I am going to decorate my grandmother's grave.

    It is my favorite holiday, too!

  20. free candy and scary movie :D

  21. i do kinda think its a evil holiday but i still love getting all the candy i can eat and hanging out with my awesome fantabulous friends! i lov them lots

  22. Halloween is fun.  I never heard it called evil until I moved to central FL.  Apparently the baptists are into voodoo or something.

  23. its just where rugrats (jj) dress up and go around gettin the sh*t scared out of them and receive candy for it..

    for the adults...awesome parties...

  24. i don't take it as a holiday cause we are not seriously celebrating anything but it sure fun.

  25. candy!!  

  26. i love halloween too. it's a day to dress up & play pretend. religous extremist that think it's a devils holiday are crazy. i'm planning on being amy winehouse this year.

  27. I consider Halloween a Christmas for my eyes personally.  

    All kidding aside, Halloween is derived from Christian Holidays and IS NOT evil in any way.  Do your research and you'll see.  

    "Many Christians ascribe no negative significance to Halloween, treating it as a purely secular holiday devoted to celebrating “imaginary spooks” and handing out candy. Halloween celebrations are common among Roman Catholic parochial schools throughout North America and in Ireland. In fact, the Roman Catholic Church sees Halloween as having a Christian connection.[46] Father Gabriele Amorth, a Vatican-appointed exorcist in Rome, has said, "[I]f English and American children like to dress up as witches and devils on one night of the year that is not a problem. If it is just a game, there is no harm in that."[47] Most Christians hold the view that the tradition is far from being "satanic" in origin or practice and that it holds no threat to the spiritual lives of children: being taught about death and mortality, and the ways of the Celtic ancestors actually being a valuable life lesson and a part of many of their parishioners' heritage.[45] Other Christians, primarily of the Evangelical and Fundamentalist variety, are concerned about Halloween, and reject the holiday because they believe it trivializes (and celebrates) “the occult” and what they perceive as evil.[48] A response among some fundamentalists in recent years has been the use of h**l houses or themed pamphlets (such as those of Jack T. Chick) which attempt to make use of Halloween as an opportunity for evangelism.[49] Some consider Halloween to be completely incompatible with the Christian faith[50] due to its origin as a Pagan "festival of the dead." In more recent years, the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston has organised a "Saint Fest" on the holiday."

  28. I don't view Halloween as a Satanic and my friends usually all dress up and go out even though we're a little bit too old :P but it's fun!

    Halloween never seems like a holiday to me though; Christmas would be my favourite :)

  29. i to am catholic and i love the holiday. its great for kids and candy and trick or treating. it is right time for dressing up and having a ball and the kids love it i did as a child and its just a time for messing around and having witches and goblins around flying and heading to the doors but now days its mostly going to churches and having fun there at fun houses and stuff and games to play and things to win i go every year with grand kids and love it this year going as a witch.

  30. Halloween to me is an opportunity to get together with friends and loved ones, dress in some outlandish outfit and enjoy a social time together. We have a contest to see who can dress the most outlandish and those individuals win a prize.  Usually something simple and inexpensive but fun nontheless.  Roast franks and make smores, play some creepy tunes that set the mood and just have fun.  I don't think it was ever meant to be an evil thing, just a good excuse to get together and have a reason to laugh!

  31. I love Halloween.  I love the decorations and I have tons of them.  I love seeing the little kids telling jokes.  I like to dress up too.  I sort of like the spooky aspect of it too.

    I have noticed though, that there is usually some kind of evil things that happens around that time of year.  Like a kid gets kidnapped or an animal is found slaughtered by some Satanic group-at least in my city.

    What my kids did at Catholic  school was decorate pumpkins to look like Saints faces.  It sort of took the evil aspect of Halloween away.  Most of our holidays started out as pagan holidays that were Christianized because people didn't want to give up the old holidays.  Halloween got turned into a day for kids to get candy.  So I don't see anything wrong with that.  To the one poster - I never heard of Baptists not liking Halloween.  I know there are some strict Christian groups that don't allow it.

    I just think it's a fun holiday for kids. If someone makes it something bad (it's a big holiday for pagans, witches and Satanists) -  that's their problem.  

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